Advising at St. Olaf
Our mission is to provide assistance in exploring academic goals within the context of possible career and life-long pursuits.
We support advisors as well as their advisees in providing the necessary information and skills to fulfill graduation, general education, and major requirements. Academic Advising also assists students in exploring possible major options, in changing advisors, in using a degree audit, class/lab schedule, and the St. Olaf Catalog for necessary information about fulfilling requirements.
Types of Advisors
Summer Registration Faculty Advisor
(during summer registration period, typically June)
The Summer Registration Advisors will assist students with registration the summer before they start at St. Olaf College.
Pre-Major Advisor
(typically first two years)
The Pre-Major Advisor will be the first guide to a liberal arts education at St. Olaf. College Advisors will discuss students’ interests and goals, and assist with course registration. Because the role of the Pre-Major Advisor is to advise broadly, Pre-Major Advisors will come from all areas of the college and typically are not in a department in which students are considering a major.
Major Advising
(typically junior and senior years)
Students transition to a faculty advisor within a declared major by the end of their sophomore year. Major Advisors continue the work of the College Advisors while also assisting advisees in selecting courses in the major and introducing students to opportunities in their field of study.
Students may switch to a different College Advisor or Major Advisor at any time during the academic year with the permission of the new advisor and after completing at least one semester at the college. Just click on the “Change Advisor” link below.
See more details regarding the St. Olaf advising model in the catalog (page down to “Advising”)

Wondering about a major of your own design? Meet with one of our advisors to learn about the Individual Major Program.
Schedule an appointment
Karina Sierra (she, her, hers)
Program Director of Advising