Counseling Appointments:
At this time, we have a waitlist for individual counseling and are not able to accept new clients for counseling. We regret to inform you of the wait for services and apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Since we cannot offer a timeline on when we will be able to connect you to a counselor in our office, we can provide you with other resources. Please email if you are interested in outside resources or have any questions. Thank you!
When contacting us to schedule an appointment, please know that providing as much availability as possible will help to insure you meet with a counselor as quickly as possible. Please be aware because of the high demand for services, during peak times there is often at least a two or three week wait for a counseling appointment. The wait for a nutritionist appointment is usually one to two months or longer if there is a waiting list. *Nutritionist appointments require a St. Olaf counselor referral & are only offered during the school year.
*Emails and phone messages are reviewed during regular office hours (Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays and breaks). Summer hours vary*
Crisis appointments:
Are available on a limited basis for students in need — If you are experiencing thoughts of harm to yourself or others, experience a recent assault, experience a recent death, or are experiencing psychotic or manic symptoms. Please call our office to request a crisis appointment.
If you have to cancel an appointment:
Please contact us as soon as possible. We request a 24 hour notice of cancellation in order to best use that time to help other students that may come in, and a 24 hour notice gives time for other students to schedule an appointment in that time.
Missed appointments with a counselor: (no show or cancellation with less than 24 hour notice):
If you miss a scheduled appointment with a counselor, please contact us to let us know the reason. We understand that there are unforeseen circumstances, but ask for at least 24 hours notice of cancellation. We reserve the right to deny services to any student who has missed three or more counseling appointment during the course of the academic year.
Missed appointments with our nutritionist: (no show or cancellation with less than 24 hour notice):
If you miss a scheduled appointment with the nutritionist, you are responsible for notifying us of the reason and confirming future appointments. We reserve the right to deny services to any student who has missed two or more nutrition appointment during the course of the academic year.
Please note: We realize that sometimes circumstances change or emergencies arise and necessitate changing appointment times. We would greatly appreciate hearing from you at least 24 hours in advance if you need to reschedule, as other students will likely be waiting for available appointment times.