Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by germs (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) that enter the body, multiply, and can cause an infection. The diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another.
Emerging means infections that have increased recently or are threatening to increase in the near future and that can cause an outbreak, epidemic, or even a pandemic.
These incidents of infections could be:
- completely new (like COVID-19, or MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).
- completely new to an area (like chikungunya in Florida and Texas).
- reappearing in an area (like dengue in Florida and Texas).
- caused by bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics, like MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), C. difficile, or drug-resistant TB.
During any emerging infectious disease incident the College will prioritize your health and safety while delivering the best possible St. Olaf experience through all the ups and downs, and we remain ready to adapt and respond if conditions change.
Questions about student living arrangements: contact Residence Life via Public Safety (507-786-3636).
All other questions: contact
College Requirements
The College no longer requires COVID-19 vaccinations or boosters for students, faculty, staff, volunteers, independent contractors, and staffing agency employees.
However, the College strongly recommends that all members of our campus community remain up-to-date with COVID vaccines, per CDC guidance, because of the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine:
- Healthy individuals who are vaccinated are unlikely to develop serious health complications if infected.
- Unvaccinated individuals are more likely to spend more days in isolation because it may take longer for symptoms to improve.
- Vaccinated individuals are more likely to return to in-person campus activities sooner (and vaccinated students may have enough “energy” to better keep up with classwork when in isolation), which results in less severe disruptions to campus activities.
- Vaccinated individuals have a shorter duration of viable viral shedding and a lower rate of secondary transmission than partially vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals; this can result in a lower transmission rate across campus.
Accessing Your COVID-19 (and Flu) Vaccination Records
- For any vaccination that you have received in Minnesota you can go to the MDH’s MIIC website and use the Docket App to access and print your records.
- Questions? Send us an email at
Regardless of vaccination status, the expectation is that you will continue to follow the “Day 6” guidelines. Please inform your close contacts, and wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others.
“Symptoms have improved” means that “a person no longer feels ill; they can do their daily routine just as they did before they were ill, and any remaining symptoms, such as a cough or runny nose, are very mild, or infrequent.”
Seek medical attention immediately for trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face, or any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you. If you ever have a medical or mental health emergency while in isolation, please call 911.
- Faculty: refer to the email sent by the Provost on Aug 12, 2024.
- Inform your supervisor.
- It is your responsibility to tell your supervisor that you will miss work, and when your isolation period ends. Please discuss with your supervisor your ability (or inability) to work remotely during this period; review the Remote Work Resources for more information.
- Any questions regarding sick leave should be directed to Human Resources.
If you test while in isolation. Once your symptoms are improving, if you test negative before Day 5 then you can return to campus life while wearing a mask until Day 10. If you test negative two days in a row then you can remove your mask before Day 10.
Regardless of vaccination status, the expectation is that you will continue to follow the “Day 6” guidelines. Please inform your close contacts, and wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others.
“Symptoms have improved” means that “a person no longer feels ill; they can do their daily routine just as they did before they were ill, and any remaining symptoms, such as a cough or runny nose, are very mild, or infrequent.”
Seek medical attention immediately for trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face, or any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you. If you ever have a medical or mental health emergency while in isolation, please call 911.
- Return home if you are able.
- Self-isolate in your room if you can not return home. The College is not maintaining isolation rooms.
- Contact Residence Life via Public Safety (507-786-3666). Public Safety will connect you with the Residence Life on-call staff.
- Contact your professors, class deans, employment supervisors, etc.
- It is your responsibility to tell them that you will miss classes/work due to a positive test result, and when your isolation period ends.
- Mask. You should wear a KN95/N95/KF94 mask when leaving your residence hall room.
- Meal Pick-Up Instructions.
- You can use the GET App to order food from The Cage. Ask a friend to pick up the meal for you.
- If you need assistance with your meals, please contact Residence Life via Public Safety 507-786-3666.
- Medical attention while in isolation.
- If you would like guidance from a medical provider, call Health Services at 507-786-3063. In the case of an emergency, contact the Northfield ER at 507-646-1101 or dial 911.
- Another option for you is Timely Care, a telehealth program for students that provides FREE 24/7 medical and mental telehealth care.
- On-campus counseling services. The following are accessible to you upon request: Counseling Center, College Ministry Office, and Wellness Center.
- Getting outside. You can go outside to relax, study, etc., but at a time when campus is not terribly busy (be smart about avoiding changes between classes or other busy times).
If you test while in isolation. Once your symptoms are improving, if you test negative before Day 5 then you can return to campus life while wearing a mask until Day 10. If you test negative two days in a row then you can remove your mask before Day 10.
- Isolation rooms:
- The College is not maintaining isolation rooms. A resident may decide to coordinate alternate housing during this timeframe.
- Sleeping in a shared space:
- Please feel comfortable rearranging the beds to create the maximum space in the room.
- Consider sleeping facing away from one another; sleeping in opposite directions (head to toe) will create extra distance.
- The healthy roommate should be able to wear a maskwhile sleeping, but it is best to consult your family physician before doing so.
- Temporary housing. You are free to find temporary housing arrangements with a college friend (please recognize that you have been exposed and should act accordingly). If you choose temporary housing, we do ask for you to share those plans with Residence Life and/or Public Safety.
- High risk health issue. If you have a condition that puts you at a high risk for severe illness, please contact Residence Life on-call staff via Public Safety (507-786-3666).
- Mask with a high-quality mask when you are in the room together. You have already been exposed, but masking while in the room together can protect you from additional exposure.
- Fresh air. Open a window to receive more fresh air.
- Cleaning. Clean shared surfaces or items, and wash hands regularly.
- Food and drink. Do not share food or drinks.
- Test 5 days after your initial exposure and if you develop symptoms; test again 5 days after your roommate is no longer infectious.
- Wear a mask around others and take precautions until 10 days after your roommate’s isolation period ends.
- Do not invite guests into your room until your roommate’s isolation period has ended.
- It’s important to remember that students living in residence halls become sick with many different contagious illnesses, and they usually remain in shared rooms/suites with their roommate(s) while recovering – this has been the long-standing policy at Institutions of Higher Education across the country.
Please continue to follow these CDC guidelines, which state the following:
- Wear a KN95/N95/KF94 mask in public, indoor settings and watch for symptoms until 10 days after your last exposure to someone with COVID-19.
- Take a COVID-19 test on Day 6 from the date of exposure even if you don’t have symptoms.
- Continue to wear a KN95/N95/KF94 mask through day 10.
If you test positive, regardless of vaccination status, review the “If You Test Positive” information above.
If you are sick and think that you might be contagious (e.g., sneezing, coughing, feverish), please stay home.
Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others in public. It is good practice, and a courtesy to others, to wear a mask if you must be in public while you feel unwell.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 then you should take a COVID-19 test.
- Inform your supervisor.
- Any questions regarding sick leave should be directed to Human Resources.
- Contact Health Services or Timely Care for assistance.
- Contact your professors, supervisors, etc. It is your responsibility to tell them that you will miss classes/work.
Students Meals.
- You can use the GET App to order food from The Cage. Ask a friend to pick up the meal for you.
- If you need assistance with your meals, please contact Residence Life via Public Safety 507-786-3666.
The College does not require masks at this time if you are healthy, but strongly recommends having a supply on hand.
- Individuals may require masks in their work spaces (classroom, office, etc).
- You may wear a mask in settings that do not require them if you choose.
- It is good practice, and a courtesy to others, to wear a mask if you must be in public while you feel unwell (even if you think it is simply a common cold).
- The preferred type of mask is a high quality KN95/N95/KF94 mask. Such masks are available in the Bookstore or can be purchased locally (e.g., Menards) or online.
- NIOSH – Information on masks.
The College expects all community members to respect those who choose to wear a mask.
The College strongly recommends having a supply of tests on hand.
Free Tests
- Four free tests are now available per mailing address.
- Ordering Instructions for Students: For the “Street Address / PO Box” of the order form enter “1500 St. Olaf Ave.” For the “Apt / Suite / Other” enter your residence hall name & room number (for example, if Roommate A enters Ellingson 101-1 and Roommate B enters Ellingson 101-2 then each roommate will receive 4 free tests).
- Wellness Center. A limited number of tests are available to students.
- Health Services. A limited number of tests are available to students.
- Thousands of free test sites. No-cost antigen and PCR COVID-19 tests are available to everyone in the U.S. at thousands of sites nationwide (including in Northfield).
Tests For Sale
- At-home tests can be purchased at local Northfield pharmacies (in Cub, Family Fare, Sterling, Target, Walgreens, etc.), and can be purchased online.
Tests: Extended Expiration Dates
- Many at-home COVID-19 tests have had their expiration dates extended by the FDA.
- This table contains the current FDA-authorized expiration dates.
- Use the website to make an appointment to receive the updated 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine at pharmacies across the nation, including our local Northfield pharmacies.
- If you received your vaccination on campus or anywhere in Minnesota then you can go to the MDH’s MIIC website and use the Docket App to access and print your records.
- Questions? Send us an email at
The following sites will help you track the weekly changes of COVID-19, flu, and RSV:
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