In the St. Olaf Dance Community, as is done in the professional dance world, we must help and support each other as we create and present dance. During all Dance Department performances, special events, and workshops throughout the year the department requires help and support. We need your help! Without your help we would be unable to provide our dance events and their quality would be drastically reduced. All members of the companies, Companydance and Veselica, as well as all Dance Majors are required to fulfill these obligations. Together, as a community, let’s create some art!
Service Hour Requirements:
Miscellaneous Service Hours: 6 hours per year
Large Show Production: Fulfills obligation for that year and the next- 2 years of hours!- and is a great way to get to know other dancers while learning the offstage aspects of a dance production. Large Show productions are just that and typically will require your attendance nightly during the week of the production.
***All Dance Majors are required to work a Large Show Production at least once during their academic career. First Year Dance Project (FYDP) members are strongly encouraged to work a Large Show Production their first year especially if you are at all considering the Dance Major.***
But what is a service hour?
A service hour is a block of your time committed to help assist with the the Dance Department’s various needs including but not limited to the following:
Miscellaneous service hour activities:
- Usher for a performance or event
- Front of house tasks for performances or events
- Other tasks for dance events assigned by a dance faculty/staff member
- Tend welcoming table for auditions
- Lay marley floor
- Various other miscellaneous tasks that help keep the wheels turning
Large Show ProductionS:
- Assistant Stage Manager
- Stagehand
- Wardrobe
- Positions determined by need for that specific show
Dance Department Large Show Productions:
- Senior Dance Concert (Fall Semester)
- Veselica (Spring Semester)
- Companydance Spring Concert (Spring Semester)
- Any other production deemed a “Large Show” by the department
How to sign up:
Each year, as schedules are confirmed, you will get notification stating the service hour schedule has been posted. Sign up is digital. Fill in your name next to the event/events of your choosing. Sign up is first come first served. Follow this link for the current schedule.
Miscellaneous hours can be added throughout the year, and as opportunities become available, you will be notified and the schedule will be updated.
Once hours are completed:
Email the Dance Technical Director at CC any other involved Faculty/Staff. Subject line should read Service Hours for [Semester Year], [Your Name] and the body of the email needs to include your task, start and end times.
If the email is not received within 24 hours of the completion of your task, the hours will not be logged. For large shows, send email at the end of the show within 24 hours post strike completion.
*Once you sign up for service hours you are responsible for that commitment!*
You cannot just remove your name a week later if you suddenly decide it won’t work. Have future thinking and plan around what you commit to. If, however, something comes up, you are required to find a replacement no later than two weeks prior to the start of your task. If you are unable to find a replacement within this time frame, you must follow through. If a valid life altering event occurs within two weeks of your obligation, contact the Dance Technical Director to discuss. Failure to meet any commitment or to find a replacement within the required time frame will impact future casting opportunities. Sign up, put it in your calendar, lock it in stone, be polite, give respect to get it.
If you are a Dance Technician, please visit:
Dance Technician Service Hours Requirements
Contact Dance Technical Director, Stephen Schroeder
Office: CAD 328