Many graduates in Environmental Studies go on to graduate school in environmentally related areas or to graduate programs specifically in environmental studies or environmental policy. Others seek employment directly in environmental fields like pollution monitoring and regulation, writing and policy, or with environmental consulting firms. Our faculty are active in research and scholarly study of environmentally related subjects and problems, and one of the strengths of the program at St. Olaf is the many opportunities which exist for student participation in these projects. At the same time we have an interest in looking beyond our own disciplines for a broader perspective on environmental issues, and we bring this to our teaching along with our disciplinary credentials.
Together the Environmental Studies Department and the Piper Center for Vocation and Career has created career guide describing ways you can use your environmental studies to define a path for your post-St. Olaf career. In addition consider applying to a connections program focused on the environment. Consider the many scholarship and fellowships that intersect with environmental work as part of your exploration!
The Piper Center for Vocation and Career and the Environmental Studies Department are currently collaborating on a project aimed at profiling some of our more recent graduates and their current career paths. Check out the profiles and articles involving our alumni.
Mya (DiDi) Nwe (’12)
Sheridan, Kate (’08)
Stoermer, Danielle (’08)
If you have further questions about how your particular circumstances or interests might fit with Environmental Studies, contact the ES Chair or other ES faculty members for counsel.
Piper Center/St. Olaf College/St. Olaf Alumni Links
Internships & Jobs
Assessing and Exploring Careers
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Other resources:
Good Food Jobs (
MN Sustainable Communities Network (Next Steps Job Postings)
Orion Grassroots Jobs & Internships
Student Career Experience Program SCEP
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Resume Book
Recent Job/Internship Postings
See the EnvSt info boards next to RNS 400 and near Holland 215/216!