We believe that participating in research is an integral part of your education in Psychology, whether as a student in Psych 125, or as a budding student researcher. Thus, we maintain a large and active subject pool that may be accessed by Psychology Department faculty and students. Students in Psych 125 are required to participate in a specified number of research hours throughout the semester as a part of their coursework. This creates a pool of subjects that may be accessed by St. Olaf Psychology faculty and students for their own scholarly research, course based research projects, or independent research endeavors.
Since this process is educational in nature, an enhanced educational debriefing form is required and clear and explicit links to psychological research and theory must be made before any project is granted access to the subject pool. On the following pages, you will find information on how to be a participant as a part of our Psych 125 Subject Pool, and the requirements and protocols for Psychology faculty and students wishing to recruit participants from the pool. Due to privacy issues, the Psych 125 Subject Pool is not made available outside of the Psychology Department, and access to the pool will only be granted after an application form is filled out and approved by the subject pool coordinator.
Being a Participant in the Psych 125 Subject Pool
Recruiting Participants from the Psych 125 Subject Pool