Getting Involved in Theater
- The theater interest email alias is a great way to find out about auditions, positions available, and all things theater. Contact the main office to be added.
- There are four department-produced productions a year along with a one-act play festival directed by the students of the upper-level directing class.
- Audition for an acting role. Participate in production – work on scenery, properties, costumes, lighting, sound, or publicity. Students can work on productions for .25 lab course credits. For more information check out our audition page, lab page or contact the main theater office.
- Anyone can be involved in theater productions, audition or work on a crew — not just majors.
- Theater rehearsal time doesn’t conflict with any major musical organizations. Rehearsals generally are five nights a week for four to six weeks before a show opens.
- 20 student design positions are available every year in all production areas, as well as some assistant positions.
- For those who have a work award, there may be student work jobs available with the theater department.
- Alpha Psi Omega (Zeta Mu Chapter). APO (Zeta Mu) is a nationally recognized theater honor society that initiates members on an annual basis after they have accrued a certain number of points from theater and theater service involvement.
- There are several student-run theater organizations that perform and sponsor student productions throughout the year. For more information, see our Student Involvement section on the main page.

Pre-Registration and Wait Lists
Students who are declared theater majors are eligible for a ‘Reserved Seat’ for certain theater courses. When the Registrar’s Office opens ‘Reserved Seating’ the theater majors will receive an email notice from the theater department along with the steps to follow to reserve a spot in the desired class.
Student Theater Groups
Alpha Psi Omega (Zeta Mu Chapter). APO (Zeta Mu) is a nationally recognized honor society which initiates members on an annual basis after they have accrued a certain number of points from theater and theater service involvement. For more information checkout their Facebook page.

Student Design and Directing Work
Student designers work on several theater productions each year. These positions include stage managing, scenery/props, costume, lighting and sound. If you want one of these positions, you have to apply. Applications are accepted in May for design positions awarded for the following year. For an application and list of prerequisites click here.
Most years a student director is chosen to direct a show in Haugen Theater the following spring.
Students who are completing directing classes and have the appropriate background can apply. Applications are due in the main theater office on February 14, 2025. If chosen you will be asked to sign a student director contract. For a copy of that contract click here.