The flora, fauna, ecological habitats, human history and geology of New Zealand and Australia offer opportunities for study that are unique on our planet for their diversity. This program spends the first month in New Zealand, then moves to Eastern Australia during their late summer and moves northward into the warmer latitudes during the semester as their autumn season progresses. The program is on the move throughout the semester with stays ranging from two days to two weeks in a wide variety of places. Accommodations include university residences, hotels/motels, field stations and tent camping up to five days at two remote sites. All travel is in New Zealand and the eastern third of Australia where the greatest diversity of natural habitats and human activity occur.
The island diversity in New Zealand contrasts to the rich diversity of Australian mammalian fauna; over 600 species of Eucalyptus and the Great Barrier Reef provide outstanding examples of how biological organisms have adapted to each isolated landform and its seacoasts.
The human history is no less fascinating. It is estimated that the Māori have inhabited Aotearoa for more than 1,000 years. The aboriginal Australians have inhabited the countryside for the past 60,000 – 80,000 years and represent the oldest continuous culture still surviving in the world today. Students will learn how their adaptations to differing environments show remarkable innovation. They will also study how the recent European colonization has significantly altered indigenous lifestyle as well as affecting many environmental parameters. New Zealand and Australia, like all other nation-states on our planet, have serious environmental policy issues to face.
This site covers all the information you will need to know about the Environmental Science in Australia and New Zealand program. It includes the official information from materials provided by the Study Away office at the Smith Center for Global Engagement and a host of photographs from previous trips.
- Program Info – The nuts and bolts of the NZAustralia program. Includes information about finances, credits, destinations, and more.
- Photos, Blogs & Orientation – An organized section of blog links and photographs taken on previous trips.