Tuberculosis Screening
**International students arriving from countries with an increased incidence of tuberculosis (TB) or students with identifiable risk factors for exposure to TB MUST complete TB screening BEFORE arrival on campus. The OleCare Portal will help determine who needs TB testing. Please do not send forms for tuberculosis screening by fax or email attachment. Screening needs to be within 6 months prior to college entrance. Students who received BCG vaccine as an infant or child, still need testing if indicated. A chest x-ray alone is not acceptable as the only form of tuberculosis screening. If testing is not done before arrival, it must be done within the first month of school. Documents must be in English or translated.
Students born abroad in countries with high tuberculosis risk, but living in the United States for many years without returning to that country, can submit the original screening documentation. Students who have been back to that country or cannot produce the documentation, need to complete the screening within 6 months of matriculation. Contact your healthcare provider for direction.