The St. Olaf Title IX Advisory Group maintains two versions of a feedback form (confidential and non-confidential) that members of the St. Olaf community may use to give feedback on Title IX process, policy, training efforts, and communication.
Feedback will be gathered, reviewed, summarized, compiled, and presented to the Title IX Team each year (at a minimum), and more often as needed. The Advisory Group may seek more information regarding policy and its application to provide the Title IX Team with the most complete report possible.
Confidential or non-confidential?
The confidential form will go only to the confidential resources on the Title IX Advisory Group; the non-confidential form will go to the entire Advisory Group. Neither form requires any identifying information.
If you report information to the entire group that has not previously been disclosed to the Title IX team, some members will be required to report that information (for example, if you would like to report a reporting barrier to Title IX, we suggest using the confidential form).
Submit your feedback
- Confidential form (your feedback will be seen only by the associate pastor and SARN co-chair)
- Non-confidential form (your feedback will be seen by the entire Advisory Group)