If you have experienced sexual assault or another form of sexual misconduct, it may be hard to know what to do or where to go. Your first step is to get to a safe place. Then you can contact any of the resources listed below for immediate, trained help, including assistance in your decision-making about seeking medical attention, reporting to law enforcement, and pursuing a formal investigation through the college.
When a St. Olaf student, employee or guest reports any form of sexual harassment, the College’s main priority is to protect the safety and well-being of the members of our community. In order to do so, we need individuals who report sexual harassment and those who participate in investigations into such reports to be honest and candid about the circumstance surrounding the report. We do not want concerns about the College’s alcohol and illicit drugs policy to cause individuals to either avoid reporting or to provide incomplete or inaccurate information during an investigation into such a report. Therefore, individuals who report sexual harassment and individuals who participate as a party or witness in an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment will not be disciplined by the College for violations of its Policies on Alcohol and Illicit Drugs that are disclosed during the reporting process or as a result of an investigation.