All host teacher early field experience evaluations are now completed in Tk20. See this link for directions on completing the evaluations:
The purpose of this form is to provide an opportunity for you to share your perception of the student’s strengths/areas of improvement as a teacher candidate. The educational field experience is a critical component of our teacher education program, and your feedback will help us assess the student’s performance in the field experience and progress on meeting pedagogical and dispositional standards.
Students WILL see these evaluations; if you have concerns, please email the course instructor and/or Nancy Veverka ( or indicate your concerns in the form in Tk20.
In Tk20, you will be asked to indicate your response by checking the appropriate rating for each criteria. Criteria are linked with the professional dispositions identified by our department. There is a space for additional comments at the bottom of the form; we do value your feedback. The ratings are:
- Emerging = The student needs a great deal of improvement on this criteria.
- Basic = The student adequately meets this criteria, but there is room for improvement.
- Proficient = This criteria is a real strength of the student.