Languages spoken
Many of the international students and domestic students at St. Olaf are multilingual, and for many of them English is a second, third, or fourth language!

International Student Population, 2002-2023
International students currently make up approximately 10% of the St. Olaf student population, with about 80 international students admitted each year.

Countries of Origen
The approximately 300 international students at St. Olaf come from more than 90 different countries. We often welcome students from as many as 50 different countries in one incoming class. Our international student population is unique in its diversity in terms of country of origin and cultural background. For current demographic information, visit the IE&A Enrollment Dashboard.

Academic Majors
International students choose majors from across the curriculum, with the top choices being Math or Computer Science, Econ or Quantitative Economics, Political Science, Biology, and Psychology.
For consultations and advice, please contact Anne Berry (berryag@stolaf.edu, x3361)
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please let me know!
Inside Higher Ed article: Plain Language Is Key to DEI in Academe, by Shawna Shapiro
The International Student Staff Interest Group presents Understanding and Supporting Our International/Multilingual Students (May 2023).
The Conference on College Composition and Communication releases Statement on Language, Power, and Action (November 2022).
The faculty votes to approve the St. Olaf College Statement on Instructional Adaptations — guidance regarding instructional adaptations to testing procedures for students whose first language is not English (December 2015).