Academic Internships
An academic internship is a planned, supervised, experiential learning project integrating study and practical work. As a credit-bearing experience it allows students to acquire and apply knowledge through direct experience in a field related to their academic program. The academic internship is intended to integrate on-site learning with the knowledge base of a related discipline. Academic integrity is assured through established department/program criteria, faculty supervision, an academic internship learning plan, and guidance from the The Piper Center for Vocation and Career. (St. Olaf Academic Catalog)

Credit Options
- For 1.0 credit, internship plus academic work must total a minimum of 160 hours (120 devoted to the internship).
- For 0.5 credit, internship plus academic work must total a minimum of 100 hours (80 devoted to the internship).
- For 0.25 credit, internship plus academic work must total a minimum of 65 hours (55 devoted to the internship).
- The academic internship counts as an elective credit and does not fulfill GE requirements. It can sometimes be counted toward the major or concentration (with approval from the department chair/program director).

Categories of Organizations Include:
- Music/Radio (CBS Radio, Columbia Records, and Minnesota Public Radio)
- Broadcasting (NBC Universal and St. Paul Neighborhood Network)
- Public Relations/Communications (St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and Estée Lauder)
- Publishing (Alive Magazine, Her Own Words, Hallmark Cards, and National Geographic Books)
- St. Olaf (Communications, The Manitou Messenger, and the Theatre Department)
- Video Production (Dr. Phil and Warner Bros. Pictures)
- Miscellaneous (Pfizer, Inc., Teach for America, World Food Processing)

Start Your Internship Search Process
- Create a resume and cover letter.
- Search for internships that align with your goals and interests.
- Apply for positions.
- Brush up on your interviewing skills.
- Once position is secured, request an experience on Handshake.
Kirsten Cahoon (she, her, hers)
Director of Piper Center