Assessment questionnaires may ask about students’ attitudes, behaviors, or perceptions of their own learning (indirect assessment), or elicit specific examples of what students know, can do, or value (direct assessment). Below are examples of “locally-developed” questionnaires and surveys designed by St. Olaf departments and programs. Contact the department/program to learn more about sample selection, recruitment of participants, questionnaire administration, and analysis of results.
Fine Arts
Methods of “Doing Art” questionnaire – Department of Art and Art History
A brief questionnaire administered at the beginning and end of a Level III Art History course in which students described their knowledge and application of art history methods and identified contributing course experiences
Senior Studies Final Critique questionnaire – Department of Art and Art History
A questionnaire that enables students to provide context and engage in self-assessment for the artistic work they submit for a final critique
Interdisciplinary and General Studies
Interdisciplinary Concentration Learning Outcomes – IGS programs
A questionnaire developed by the Office of Institutional Research and Evaluation that examines the learning impact of interdisciplinary concentrations, including items on selected “essential learning outcomes” of college as identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Range of Sources and Research Techniques questionnaire – American Studies Program
A questionnaire concerning research practices, tools, and sources consulted for capstone research papers
Study Abroad Learning Assessment – International and Off-Campus Studies
A questionnaire developed by the Office of International and Off-Campus Studies and the Office of Institutional Research and Evaluation that examines the learning impact of study abroad, including items on selected “essential learning outcomes” of college as identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Theory Project Self-Assessment – Women’s Studies Program
A self-assessment questionnaire focused on theory in Women’s Studies, completed at the beginning and end of the capstone course for the major
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Mathematics Intended Learning Outcomes questionnaire – Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
A survey administered via Form Creator to junior and senior majors, asking them to identify the learning outcomes they believe they had achieved most successfully, and to provided examples of experiences within the mathematics program that they had found most valuable in achieving that outcome
Psychology Department Major Assessment – Department of Psychology
A student-designed exit survey of seniors, analyzed in combination with course evaluations from previously taught Psych 126 courses
Social Sciences
Political Science Alumni Questionnaire – Department of Political Science
A survey administered to alumni who had graduated within the past five years that included a number of items addressing the intended learning outcomes of the political science major