Muslim Life
St. Olaf College has an active community of Muslim students. Our Muslim Student Association, with support from the College Ministry Team, helps to organize Jum’ua (Friday Prayer), assists with the observance of holy days, and offers of variety of additional programming.
There is a dedicated mosque in Thorson Hall and an inter-religious prayer and meditation room in Boe Memorial Chapel (BMC 010 – lower level).
- Jum’ua – Prayer in the Meditation Room BMC 010 (Boe Chapel lower level)
Ramadan Happenings
For email updates: link
March 1: Taraweh Prayers @ Rosemount Mosque (trans. available)
Potluck Iftar on STO campus following prayers
March 2: Iftar @ Carleton
March 14: STO Iftar (with Carleton)
March 21: STO Iftar
Biweekly – more details to follow
March 23, 27 & 29 – Taraweh Prayers @ Rosemount Mosque
(trans. available)
To sign up for the Ramadan BonApp Meal Plan – contact: