Ole Glesne Seminary Scholarship &
Cleven Scholarship for Seminary Students
The Ole Glesne and the Cleven seminary scholarships are awarded to St. Olaf graduates pursuing ordained congregational ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Criteria for the selection of Glesne and the Cleven Seminary Scholarship recipients include:
- Commitment to and potential for ordained congregational ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Academic accomplishments demonstrating potential for success in a rigorous M.Div. degree program
- Financial need
Scholarships are awarded to support one academic year of full-time study. Applicants who are or will be attending Luther Theological Seminary (St. Paul, MN) will be given priority in the awarding of a Glesne scholarship. Applicants also must have completed both an admissions application and a financial aid application for the seminary or divinity school where they are/will be enrolled.
May 15 – Annual application deadline
For application materials contact the College Ministry at semscholar@stolaf.edu