Student Congregation
The St. Olaf College Student Congregation is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Pastors Matthew Marohl and Katherine Fick serve as pastors to the student congregation and chaplains to the college community.
Weekly Opportunities:
(See College Ministry Events page for meeting dates and times.)
- Bible Study – Fridays @12-12:45 pm in BC 220, Bring your lunch, read and discuss a biblical text each week with the College Ministry Pastors.
- Wednesday Night Sunday School – @ 8 pm in Boe Chapel #202 (take upper stairwell in NW corner of Boe); Bible stories, games, crafts…fun for college students! Each week we will get to know each other and talk about issues of life and faith in a relaxed atmosphere. Hosted by the College Ministry Pastors. All are welcome any week!
Breakfast Before Boe – Sundays in the Undercroft of Boe @ 9:45 am, treats and coffee before worship
St. Olaf College Student Congregation Council 2024-25
President – Mary Phillips ’26
Secretary – Katie Nail ’26
Treasurer – Ellie Kosek ’25
VP of Extra-Campus Activities – Paavo Rundman ’26
VP of Life and Growth – Mary Kreklow ’26
VP of Public Relations – Naomi Meints ’26
VP of Worship – Emery Jansen ’26
Interfaith Coalition for Peace and Justice, Representative – Dick Nchang ’25
2025 Class Representative – Lucy Lindgren
2026 Class Representative – Addie Flesch
2027 Class Representative – Jenna York
2028 Class Representative – Ben Thompson
The ELCA and Anti-Racism
The ELCA makes a call to confess the sin of racism, condemn the ideology of white supremacy, and strive for racial justice and peace. Beyond statements and prayers, we are called to also act and respond to injustices. ELCA resources are available here. The ELCA also offers a social statement which expresses the call to celebrate culture and ethnicity. This calling commits the ELCA to confront racism, to engage in public leadership, witness and deliberation on these matters, and to advocate for justice.
The St. Olaf College Student Congregation has been a Reconciling In Christ congregation since 1989. Together, we advocate for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ students in all aspects of the life of our congregation and community.
Student Congregation Council Positions:
- President – chairperson of the council; has the power to fill any vacancies, subject to approval of the other Council members.
- Secretary: keeps a record of the meetings of the Student Congregation Council.
- Treasurer: counts and deposit the offerings and monitors the finances of the Student
Congregation; proposes an annual budget. - VP of Worship: The Worship Ministry Team works with the college pastors and cantor to plan meaningful worship services. This team also plans special seasonal services such as midweek and Lenten vespers.
- VP of Extra-Campus Activities: The Extra Campus Ministry Team organizes the congregation’s involvement with other St. Olaf College student organizations, placing a special emphasis on inter-religious programming and on worldwide issues of hunger, poverty and human rights. This team also partners with organizations outside of the St. Olaf campus for various ministry opportunities.
- VP of Life & Growth: The Life & Growth Ministry Team seeks to enrich the spiritual lives of students through education and fellowship experiences, including our fall film series, Bible studies and discussion groups. The Life & Growth team works to encourage and enhance personal and community growth.
- VP of Public Relations: The Public Relations Ministry Team, along with the college pastors, serves as the public voice of the St. Olaf Student Congregation. The team creates and distributes posters for events, manages e-mail aliases and posts on online pages and social media.
- Interfaith Coalition for Peace and Jusice, Representative : The Interfaith Team brings together all of the religious organizations on campus. Its goal is to foster respect for the diverse religious identities of all people at St. Olaf College and to build relationships by learning and serving together.
- Class Representatives: 1-2 representatives from each class.