The College Ministry Team offers Daily Chapel and Sunday Worship with Holy Communion throughout the academic year.
Ash Wednesday, March 5
@ 10:10 AM: Chapel Service with Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion (20 minutes)
@ 9:00 PM: Worship Service with Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion (60 minutes)
Lenten Vespers
Wednesdays @ 9 PM – March 12-April 9; Vespers: Holden Evening Prayer
30 minute service led by the Student Congregation members and College Ministry Pastors
Holy Week Services
St. Olaf College Ministry invites you to join the Student Congregation and St. Olaf Community in person, or through our live and on-demand streams, to celebrate Holy Week and Easter services in Boe Memorial Chapel.
Thursday, April 17 @ 8:00 PM: Maundy Thursday Worship; Holy Communion
Friday, April 18 @ 8:00 PM: Good Friday Worship; excerpts of Handel’s “Messiah”; St. Olaf Cantorei, James Bobb, conductor
Saturday, April 19 @ 8:00 PM: Vigil of Easter; Holy Communion
Sunday, April 20 @ 10:30 AM: Easter Sunday Worship; Holy Communion; excerpts of Handel’s “Messiah”; St. Olaf Cantorei, James Bobb, conductor
Daily Chapel
Chapel at St. Olaf College is a time of inspiration for body, mind and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. Students, faculty, and staff witness to their faith and invite the community to join them. Daily chapel is offered during the academic year, while classes are in session. All are welcome!
Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 10:10 AM
Tuesday – 11:10 AM
Thursday – 11:00 AM
During the month of January, daily chapel services are at 10:10 AM (Monday – Friday)
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
The St. Olaf College community and guests gather for Worship with Holy Communion each Sunday during the academic year at 10:30 AM in Boe Chapel (except during school breaks). All are welcome to worship and share in the Lord’s Supper.