During spring break, you will be allowed to work in your studios during the hours the building is open, with some limitations. In all situations, safety and studio etiquette should be a top priority.
Building hours for break are listed on our webpage.
These hours must be adhered to.
The limitations vary depending on the space in which you are working:
Sculpture: Shopkeeper shifts will be posted and emailed. NO tool use is allowed unless a shopkeeper is on duty. No metal casting is allowed during break. Make sure the airflow in sculpture is running and use the timed over-ride button if necessary whenever using the studio.
Ceramics: No firings are allowed during break. Make sure the airflow in ceramic studio is running and use the timed over-ride button if necessary whenever using the studio.
Photo: will be locked, only those with keys will have access.
Media Room: will not be staffed during spring break.
Housing: You will be allowed to stay in your assigned residence hall room for the break. The halls will be locked 24 hours of the day during spring break so you will need to carry your Ole ID when leaving your hall. The caf will be closed but the Cage will be open with limited hours.
Alcohol Policy: The possession, distribution or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the St. Olaf campus, on land owned by the college, and in college-owned honor and language houses. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at all college-sponsored functions, no matter where located, that include students as guests.