You will find directions on this page for using Tk20. If you have additional questions that cannot be answered from viewing the podcasts or reading the directions here, please contact the Director of Assessment, Heather Campbell (campbelh@stolaf).
To login to Tk20, visit this login page:
For Education Department Faculty/Student Teaching Supervisors (directions updated 2/10/17)
- Helping students complete Course Update forms
- Completing IDPs or other Notes
- Scoring Key Assessments in Tk20
- Completing Midterm Student Teaching Assessments
- Completing Final Student Teaching Assessments (for first half of the semester placements)
- Completing Final Student Teaching Assessments (for second half of the semester and full semester placements)
- Specialist Supervisors Assessing Standard 1 for Student Teachers
- Assessing the edTPA
- Assessing the Candidate Portfolio
- Recalling Portfolios
- Meeting with students regarding Teacher Education Applications
- Completing Early Field Experience Binder Assessments
- Completing Student Concerns Observation forms
- For Faculty: Viewing Course Evaluations
For Faculty: Helping Students File Course Update Forms
Follow the directions below to inform the Education Department about a student who is changing their course plan or who is dropping the program.
- Sitting with the student, have the student log in to Tk20.
- They should click on the Applications tab, click on the green Create New Applications button and select Course Plan Update.
- Click the green Next arrow.
- Indicate the type of update the student is requesting; make sure to complete a detailed description of the update and reason for the change.
- If there is a change in course plan, make sure to complete the Course Plan form electronically and have the student upload it to Tk20. Also check the courses the student plans to take EACH SEMESTER — please do the ENTIRE course plan again.
- If the student is pursuing the concentration, they should indicate the additional elective courses they wish to pursue.
- Choose your name from the drop down box to indicate that you met with the student.
- The student should then agree with the statement and click Submit.
For Faculty: Completing IDPs or Other Notes
Here are the steps to create an IDP for a student (or another Note)
- Login; at the top right corner, you will see a prompt, “HI, YOUR NAME.” Click on that to change your role to Unit Administrator.
- You should only see two items on the left hand navigation bar. Click on Advisement.
- On the left hand navigation bar, click on Students
- Search for the student you would like to complete an IDP/Note for.
- You will see a list of users in the system that fit your search criteria. Click on the name of the correct student.
- You will see that student’s information under several tabs. Click on the Notes tab to complete an IDP (you can also see his/her transcript, assessments, test scores).
- Click on the Green Plus button to add a note.
- Under “Title” put today’s date and the type of Note (General Note, IDP, Student Teaching Contract, etc.).
- Make sure that your name (and the names of others meeting with the student) are entered in the appropriate fields.
- Scroll down to the appropriate Note type. Complete the form.
- When you are done, click on ADD. That should send you back out to the Notes main page. You should now see your note listed there. Click on it and print a copy for the student. Send an email to the Director of Assessment alerting her that a note has been created.
- EACH TIME you meet with a student, you should complete a new online IDP form.
For Faculty: Scoring Key Assessments
Here are the steps to score key assessments in Tk20.
- Login. Make sure your role is set as Faculty (under “HI, YOUR NAME” you can select your role. Faculty is the default role for any faculty member).
- Click on Courses at the left of the page.
- On the left side, click on Coursework. You will see a list of all the key assessments that have been assigned to you over the past semesters. Click on the task you would like to assess (there will be a red flag next to an unfinished task).
- You will see a list of the students in your class. Any student with a yellow dot has submitted their assignment. A grey dot indicates that a student has not submitted the assignment. Click on the student’s name.
- If they upoaded a file to Tk20, you will see it on the left side under Submissions. Click on the File Name to download the file to your desktop (or you can View and Annotate it without downloading.
- On the right side, you can see the rubric. Click on the score for each criterion. When you are finished, click Complete (if you are done) or Save (if you would like to come back to the rubric).
- You will see a new screen; at the top, there is a Feedback tab. If you would like to add feedback to your assessment, you can add it by clicking on Feedback and then the Green + button. There is also a spot for an overall grade; you do not have to complete this box.
- From this screen, you can click SUBMIT to indicate you are done scoring the rubric, and the student has access to the scores.
- If you submitted in error, you can revoke the assessment by clicking again on the student’s name (from step 4 above) and clicking on the REVOKE button at the top. This will bring the rubric back to you to make additional changes. Also, if you want students to revise something, you must first REVOKE the assessment (NOT the assignment), and then grant an extension from the tab in the same screen (you will have to set a new due date and add something in the Comments box). The student then can “RECALL” the assignment and make changes, resubmit, and then you should have access again to score it.
For Faculty: Completing ST Midterm Assessment
Here are the steps to completing the ST Midterm Assessment.
- On the left, click on Field Experience and Assessment.
- Click on the ST Midterm Evaluation link for one of your students.
- You will see the student self-assessment forms on the left (“Student Teaching Midterm Self-Assessment”) and the host teacher(s) evals (“Student Teaching Midterm Assessment Rubric”) on the right. Once you view the two forms and note areas of agreement or other trends, click on “Field Experience Professor/Student Teaching Supervisor Comments.”
- Please make comments about any trends you noted on the forms. Only your fellow supervisor(s) and the Director of Student Teaching will see this form.
- DON’T assign a grade.
- Click Complete and then Submit.
For Faculty: Completing ST Final Assessment (for half-semester placements)
Here are the steps to completing the ST Final Assessment.
- On the left, click on Field Experience and Assessment.
- You will see a red flag indicating that you have a pending task; click on the student teacher’s name to access the flagged Student Teacher Final Assessment.
- You will see a split screen. The tasks you complete are on the right
Student Teaching Final Assessment Form
- Click on the link Student Teaching Final Assessment Form.
- Complete the rubric for your student teacher.
- You may enter comments in the comment box.
- Ignore the Grade box.
- When you are done, click on COMPLETE at the bottom of the page.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this assessment form.
Student Teaching Supervisor Checklist
- Click on the link Student Teaching Supervisor Checklist
- Complete the form; make sure to assign a grade in the checklist and not in the Grade Box at the bottom of the page.
- Ignore the Grade box at the bottom of the page.
- When you are done, click on SAVE at the bottom of the page.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this form.
Student Teaching Supervisor Feedback
- Click on the link Supervisor Feedback
- Enter comments in the comment box.
- Ignore the Grade box.
- When you are done, click on COMPLETE at the bottom of the page.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this assessment form.
Student Teaching Feedback on Cooperating Teacher
- Click on the link Student Teaching Supervisor Feedback on Cooperating Teacher
- Complete this assessment and enter salient comments.
- When you are done, click on COMPLETE at the bottom of the page.
- The Director of Student Teaching will have access to this assessment form.
Now you are back to the previous page. If you have SAVED all your forms and are ready to submit them, click on SUBMIT. Once you SUBMIT, you will see a GREEN CHECKMARK next to that student’s name.
For Faculty: Completing ST Final Assessment (for second half of the semester and full semester placements)
Here are the steps to completing the ST Final Assessment.
- On the left, click on Field Experience and Assessment.
- You will see a red flag indicating that you have a pending task; click on the student teacher’s name to access the flagged Student Teacher Final Assessment.
- You will see a split screen. The tasks you complete are on the right
Student Teaching Final Assessment Rubric
- Click on the link Student Teaching Final Assessment Form.
- Complete the rubric for your student teacher.
- You may enter comments in the comment box.
- Ignore the Grade box.
- When you are done, click on COMPLETE at the bottom of the page.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this assessment form.
Field Experience Letter of Recommendation
- Make sure that you have your student teacher’s letter of recommendation on your desktop or easily accessible on your computer. This should be a pdf file (either scanned from a paper letter or from electronic letterhead).
- Click on the link Field Experience Letter of Recommendation
- You will see a button marked Choose File. Click it, and select the file you want to upload.
- You can ignore the Comments and Grade boxes (students can see the contents of both boxes).
- Once file is uploaded, click on COMPLETE.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this letter.
Student Teaching Supervisor Checklist
- Click on the link Student Teaching Supervisor Checklist
- Complete the form; make sure to assign a grade in the checklist and not in the Grade Box at the bottom of the page.
- Ignore the Grade box at the bottom of the page.
- When you are done, click on SAVE at the bottom of the page.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this form.
Student Teaching Supervisor Feedback
- Click on the link Supervisor Feedback
- Enter comments in the comment box.
- Ignore the Grade box.
- When you are done, click on COMPLETE at the bottom of the page.
- The student teacher and the Director of Student Teaching will have access to this assessment form.
Now you are back to the previous page. If you have completed all your forms and are ready to submit them, click on SUBMIT. If you need to come back to complete a form, do not click on SUBMIT. If you have successfully submitted, you will see a GREEN CHECKMARK next to the student’s name.
For Faculty: Professor’s Role in Completing Teacher Education Application
(directions updated 10/9/23)
Here are the steps for reviewing the Teacher Education Application and for completing the course plan with the student.
- Student completes the Teacher Education Application and submits it. At this point, any Education Department faculty member can see the application (when you choose the role Unit Administrator).
- Student meets with content area faculty to plan content courses– please use the most recent advising sheets.
- There currently is no “sign off” for the content faculty. Students do have to indicate on the application that they’ve met with a content faculty member. It would be very helpful for students to bring a plan with all their content courses to the meeting with the Education faculty member.
- After meeting with their content faculty, student meets with Education faculty to review the application (using the Teacher Education Application Review form in Tk20) and to plan Education courses. If a student HAS NOT fully completed their Tk20 application (including the essay), ask them to do so prior to your meeting.
- Log in as a Unit Administrator
- Click on Applications and Submissions on the left.
- Search for the student. If the application is ready to be read, there will be a submit date.
- Click on the link for that student. You will see their application on the left and the review form on the right.
- Discuss the application — transportation during student teaching, essay, license portability, GPA, dispositions. Review transition points. Note that the MTLE is no longer required for licensure.
- When you are finished reviewing, click COMPLETE. The student will not see this form.
- On the Application Review screen, indicate your final result and add any internal comments you want to make. Students will not see the internal comments.
- When you complete the Teacher Education Application review rubric, make sure to uncheck the checkbox marked “Select if Applicable: Send email notification with final result to student. Email will be sent when you submit your application review.”
- Click SUBMIT when you are finished.
- If a student needs to change something, you can REVOKE the application and grant an EXTENSION of the due date. The student should then be able to make the changes and resubmit. Your form will be saved.
- With the student, you will now schedule his/her Education courses.
- Make sure you are logged in as Unit Administrator.
- Click on Administration and search for the student. Click on the student’s name and click on Details.
- Change “Licensure Status” to Applicant. Select a Major/Concentration Status. Indicate when the student plans to take their first methods course, their January term, and when they plan to student teach.
- Now scroll down to the Course Plan section of the Details tab. Fill in your name and date
- Print the blank Course Plan form (linked in Tk20) to plan on first, and then transfer that information to the details tab. Then complete the Course Plan form (the word doc) electronically and upload it to Tk20.
- Now, complete the table. Add a row and select “ED 231.” Indicate the year and semester that the student will take the course (referring to the Course Plan form). Continue until all courses have been scheduled.
- Remember that neither ED 170 or 270 meet the Interim requirement for licensure.
- Stress that if the student needs to change their course plan, they should contact someone in the Education Department ASAP so we can make changes in the Details tab.
- If the student has a printed copy of the content course plan, that can also be scanned and uploaded (make sure to scan and upload all Music students’ plans).
- Tell the student that after the grades are out in SIS (January and June), the student will receive notification of whether or not they have been accepted to the Teacher Education Program.
- Click the green UPDATE button.
For Faculty: Having the edTPA Conversation with student teachers
Here are the steps to completing the edTPA Conversation. This is only completed with students who have met the threshold scores. Students who do not meet these scores will have to remediate their edTPA with consultation from the Director of Assessment.
- Under “Pending Tasks,” you will see a list of assignments, portfolios, and other tasks to complete. You should see a link Evaluate the edTPA Portfolio for each of your students. Click on the link to assess the edTPA. OR click on Portfolio–>Portfolio Assessments.
- Click on “edTPA Internal Comments”
- At the top, you will see edTPA discussion prompt and a large text box. Please discuss the prompt listed at the top of the page and make notes in the text box.
- You DO NOT need to enter anything for the local evaluation rubric. Scroll to the bottom and click COMPLETE…and then SUBMIT.
- Do NOT enter a grade at the bottom of the rubric.
For Faculty: Assessing the Candidate Portfolio and Presentation
Here are the steps to scoring the Candidate Portfolio and Presentation.
- Review the Candidate Portfolio assignment.
- Under “Pending Tasks,” you will see a list of assignments, portfolios, and other tasks to complete. You should see a link Evaluate Candidate Portfolio for each of your candidates. You should see the red flag once the student has submitted the portfolio. Click on that link. OR
- If you don’t see your student’s portfolio in your pending task list, click on Portfolios–>Portfolio Assessments, and you should find it there. If you use this link, you can also see when students have submitted their portfolios.
- Click on the candidates’ portfolios.
- On the right-hand side, you will see a link the overall rubric. Click on that link; that is the rubric you will use to assess the candidate’s portfolio.
- On the left, you will see tabs in the portfolio for Autobiography Reflection, Dispositions, Goals, and Readiness Statement. If the student will not score a “2” or “3” on each criteria in the rubric (which is on the right hand side of the screen), you will have to extend the deadline and ask the student to recall their portfolio and make changes.
- Click on the tab for the Autobiography Reflection; you will see a file for their new reflection, and if they took ED 295, their previous reflection. There are three standards that will be assessed based on their reflection; review the reflection before you complete the rubric.
- Click on the tab for the Dispositions; on the left hand side you will also see the portfolio reflection form (you may need to scroll all the way over to the right to see it). Rate the candidate’s performance.
- Click on the tab for student teaching goals; rate the candidate’s performance.
- Click on the tab for readiness for student teaching statement; rate the candidate’s performance.
- Save your rubric; you will later assess the presentation. Once you’ve assessed the presentation, you can SUBMIT the rubric.
For Faculty: Recalling Portfolios and Other Work
If you have NOT started assessing, you would
- Click on Extensions–>Edit Due Date–> and set the appropriate due date and enter something in the text box (like “You should be able to edit your portfolio now”)
- Click Update, Click Submit, Click Close
- That should return the portfolio to the student — they can tell if they can edit it if there’s a little red flag next to the assignment.
If you have started assessing, you would
- REVOKE the assessment (see the little box at the top right)
- Click on Extensions–>Edit Due Date–> and set the due date appropriately and enter something in the text box (like “You should be able to edit your portfolio now”)
- Click Update, Click Submit, Click Close
- That should do it — but the student may have to then recall their portfolio at the steps below.
- How Students Recall their Portfolios (if faculty haven’t started assessing and it is before the due date)
- Click on Portfolio tab on left (or Courses–>Coursework for assignments or Field Experience)
- You will see a list of portfolios/binders/
assignments. - Check the box next to the portfolio/binder/assignment you want to recall.
- At the top of the list, click on the button with an arrow in a circle. This will recall your portfolio/binder/assignment.
- How Students Recall their Portfolios (if faculty haven’t started assessing and it is before the due date)
For Faculty: Specialist Supervisors Assessing Standard 1 for Student Teachers
Here are the steps to scoring the Standard 1 Portfolio.
- Review the text of Standard 1 for your licensure area:
- Under “Pending Tasks,” you will see a list of assignments, portfolios, and other tasks to complete. You should see a link called Evaluate Student Teaching Standard 1 Portfolio for each of your student teachers for whom you are the Specialist Supervisor. You should see the red flag once the student has submitted the portfolio. Click on that link.
- If you don’t see your student’s portfolio in your pending task list, click on Portfolios–>Portfolio Assessments, and you should find it there. If you use this link, you can also see when students have submitted their portfolios.
- Click on the “Standard 1” tab at the top of the screen.
- On the right-hand side, you will see a link to a rubric for Standard 1. Click on that link; that is the rubric you will use to assess your student teacher’s Standard 1 entries.
- On the left-hand side, you will see your student teacher’s portfolio. Click on the tab that corresponds to Standard 1.
- Under “Name,” you will see links to artifacts the student uploaded to show that s/he has met Standard 1. Click on those links. Students should upload at least THREE pieces of evidence to show that they’ve met Standard 1 for each license they are pursuing.
- On the left you will also see the portfolio reflection. Please review the portfolio reflection forms before you complete the rubric.
- If you think that the evidence or reflection would receive a “1,” make comments in the comment box in the rubric, copy the comments, and save it. After you save the rubric, you will need to grant an extension to the student so he/she can revise the area in which the “1” was obtained. Click on “Grant Extension.” You can paste your comments in the comment box and grant the extension to the date you would like it completed by. Then email the student, copy your comments in the text of your email regarding the part of the portfolio that needs revision, and ask them to email you once they’ve revised the portfolio. They can delete/add to the artifacts they’ve uploaded and revise their portfolio reflection forms. You can rescore the portfolio, save the rubric. OR, you can NOT complete the rubric and email the student to recall their portfolio and redo the evidence.
- Once you have completed the rubric, COMPLETE and SUBMIT it.
For Faculty: Completing Early Field Experience Binder Assessments
Here are the steps to completing the Early FE Assessments.
- Click on the Field Experience tab
- You will see a red flag indicating that you have a pending task; click on the student’s name to access the flagged Field Experience binder.
- You will see a split screen. The tasks you complete are on the right. You will notice a box for Site Staff’s Assessments. If there is no date listed across from the “Field Experience Host Evaluation” and “Goal Sheet Sign-Off,” DO NOT complete your rubric, as you need to review these two rubrics from the host teacher FIRST.
- Click on the link Field Experience Professor/Student Teaching Supervisor Comments
- Click on the “Goal Sheet” on the left to see the student’s goal sheet.
- Click on the host teacher’s Goal Sheet Sign Off and their Evaluation on the right. Look for any anomalies in the rubrics that the Director of Assessment should note.
- Enter comments in the comment box; if everything is ok, just type “OK” in the comment box..
- Ignore the Grade box. Click on COMPLETE at the bottom of the page.
- When you are done, click on SUBMIT on the next page.
- You will see a happy green checkmark replacing the red flag indicating that you successfully submitted your form.
- The Director of Student Teaching and Director of Assessment (Heather Campbell) will have access to this assessment form; neither the host teacher nor the student will be able to see your comments.
For Faculty: Completing Student Concerns Observation Forms
Here are the steps for completing a Student Concerns Observation form. Please complete these forms for EACH course you teach.
- Log in as your faculty role (the default role).
- Click on Courses–>Coursework–>Observations–>Assess on the left side of your screen.
- Choose the “Student Concerns Reporting form” assessment tool from the dropdown menu located at the top of the page.
- By default, the courses that you are currently teaching should appear in the Select Course section of the screen. Choose the course you wish to complete the observation on and then click Next.
- If the courses do not appear, you can add them. Click on the green + button. Under “Course Number” enter “EDUC XXX” where XXX is the number of the course. Under “Term” select the appropriate term. Click “Search.”
- Click the small box next to your course and click ADD.
- Click on the radio button next to your course and click Next.
- Change the name of the assessment (it currently says “Student Concerns Reporting Form” to include the course number and semester — “Spring 2022, ED XXX”
- Complete an observation on a student by clicking the green + button above the desired student’s name. Please complete this form for EACH student.
- The assessment tool will appear in the middle of your screen. Complete the assessment.
- At the bottom of the screen, under “Grade,” change the “Record Name” to the class (ie ED 330).
- Click SUBMIT for each student.
- Continue in the same manner for each student.
- Click SAVE at the bottom of the screen to save all of the observations completed during this session.
For Faculty: Viewing Course Evaluations (updated 5/3/21)
Here are the steps for viewing your completed course evaluations.
- Click on Course Evaluations-->Reports–>Course Evaluations 003.
- Complete the report parameters for the desired course; you will only be able to see the evaluations for your courses, and all responses from students will be anonymous. You can change the term and the course.
- Click GENERATE to see results. You can choose analytic display (graphs) or data display (that could be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet).