You will find directions on this page for using Tk20. If you have additional questions that cannot be answered from viewing the podcasts or reading the directions here, please contact the Director of Assessment, Heather Campbell (campbelh@stolaf).
To login to Tk20, visit this login page:
For Students
- Confirming field experience placements
- Applying for the Teacher Education program
- Completing and uploading assignments in Tk20
- Recalling assignments and portfolios in Tk20
- Completing Field Experience Binders and Goal Sheets and Viewing the Evaluations
- Reviewing Field Experience Hours
- Completing the Candidate Presentation Portfolio
- Recalling a Portfolio or Other Work
- Completing the edTPA in Methods Courses
- Seeing MTLE test scores
- Filing a Petition
For Student Teachers
- Providing Teaching Schedule
- Completing the edTPA in Tk20
- Completing Midterm Student Teaching Assessment (for student teachers in 10- to 14-week placements)
- Completing Final Student Teaching Assessment (for first half-semester placements only)
- Completing Final Student Teaching Assessment (for second half-semester and full semester placements)
- Viewing Letters of Recommendation and Student Teaching Evaluations/Assessments
- Completing the Standard 1 Portfolio
- Updating the Education Department with Job News
For Students: Confirming Field Experience Placements (updated 2/20/17)
After you have signed up for a field experience placement and confirmed that placement with your host teacher, you MUST enter the details of the placement in Tk20 by the deadline OR YOUR FIELD EXPERIENCE MAY NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR COURSE REQUIREMENTS. Here are the steps once you’ve purchased your account, logged in, and changed your password.
- Click on the Applications tab at the side of the page.
- At the top of the new page, click on Create New Application.
- On the top drop-down box, choose Field Experience Confirmation Form Semester Year. Click Next.
- Complete the form — do ONE application for each course and each host teacher.
- If you are taking more than one course, complete an application FOR EACH COURSE, even if you are using the same field experience.
- If you are only taking one course but are working with more than one host teacher, complete an application FOR EACH TEACHER.
- For the table in the application you are asked to complete about your field experience days and times, you are to fill out the days of the week and times each week that you are in the schools.
- Click on the Plus Sign to add rows to the table.
- Complete the day of the field experience (e.g Mondays), the start time when you are scheduled to begin working in the classroom (e.g 9:15 am), and the end time when you leave the classroom (e.g 10:15 am)
- Do one row for each day of the week you are at the school.
- When you are done, click on SUBMIT, and that will send it to Sue. You can also SAVE DRAFT it if you need to work on it at a later date. Remember that SAVE will not submit it to Sue.
For Students: Applying to the Teacher Education Program (updated 3/1/21)
In order to pursue a teaching license at St. Olaf College, you must first be admitted to the Teacher Education program. This is generally completed while you are enrolled in ED 295. Here are the steps once you’ve purchased your account, logged in, and changed your password.
- Click on the Applications link on the left.
- At the top of the page, click on Create New Application.
- Select the application type Teacher Education Application.
- Complete all fields in this application.
- You will be asked to upload a Personal Statement. Please answer the questions listed in Tk20 in a 2-3 page, double-spaced word document.
- Assess yourself on the Dispositions — please answer honestly; we are looking for reflective students who accurately assess their strengths and weaknesses. Only choose “3” if that is really your area of strength.
- When you are done, click on SUBMIT, and you will be ready for your meetings with faculty. You can also SAVE DRAFT it if you need to work on it at a later date. Remember that SAVE will not submit it. Also, you cannot SAVE unless you have completed all fields with asterisks.
- You also need to meet with Content Faculty (that list is in Tk20 at the bottom of the application). This could be done before you’ve finished the application in Tk20.
- Once you’ve met with the Content Faculty member, you will meet with an Education Faculty member for your interview and to plan courses; allow 45 minutes. An Education faculty member will contact you to schedule your interview. If your Content Faculty is the same as the Education Department Faculty member, you will only need to meet once. You should bring any course schedule you planned with your Content Faculty member to the meeting with the Education Department faculty member.
- ALL parts of this application process MUST be completed by the deadline outlined in the Education Calendar or your application may not be processed.
For Students: Completing Assignments (updated 3/27/17)
Your professors will assign key assessments in each Education class. These key assessments will have standards associated with them. It is important to upload these assignments in Tk20 for grading so we have a record of how well you met the standards. Here are the steps once you’ve purchased your account, logged in, and changed your password.
- Click on the assignment you want to complete under Pending Tasks (or you can find your assignments if you click on Courses–>Coursework). A Pending Task will be labeled with a little red flag. Once the assignment has been submitted, the red flag will change to a green checkmark.
- Click on the assignment to complete.
- On the left side of the screen, you will see the instructions for the assignment. On the right side, you can submit a file.
- Upload your document (SELECT button).
- When you are done, click on SUBMIT, and that will send it to your professor. You can also SAVE DRAFT it if you need to work on it at a later date. If you don’t click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page, your work will NOT be saved.
- To view the completed rubric, click on Courses–>Coursework. You will see all your assignments completed in Tk20. Click one and view the Assessment Tool listed at the bottom of the right side Details box.
For Students: Completing Field Experience Binders and Goal Sheets and Viewing Host Teacher Evaluations (updated 5/8/17)
It is important that you complete your field experience binders ON TIME and accurately. You will receive emails outlining dates that your binders are available and due each semester. Here are the steps once you’ve purchased your account, logged in, and changed your password. You can create your Goal Sheet during your field experience and record your hours as you go, or you can create it after your field experience is over. If you wait to create your Goal Sheet until after your placement is over, scroll down to “CREATE THE GOAL SHEET ONCE FIELD EXPERIENCE IS OVER.”
Step 1 — Creating the Goal Sheet
- You should start your goal sheet early in the semester and then use this electronic artifact to record your hours.
- Click on the Artifacts tab.
- On the left, click the green Create New Artifact button and select Field Experience Goal Sheet as the artifact type. Click Select.
- Give your artifact a title — use the semester, year, your last name, course number, school. Example: Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 Greenvale.
- Complete one artifact for each placement you are completing. Name them appropriately (by class and placement). You must first change the Title:
- If you have two placements for one class, create two goal sheets and name them: “Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 Greenvale” and “Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 Nfield HS” or put the name of each host teacher in a different goal sheet.
- If you have one placement that is covering two classes, only do ONE goal sheet: “Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 and 330 Greenvale”
- Complete ALL FIELDS in the artifact. If a field has an * in it, your must complete it, or you will not be able to save your goal sheet. You will need to enter something in these fields in order to save it. You can later revise these fields when you are ready to submit.
- Near the bottom of the page, enter your hours in a table — the table is titled Record of time. Click on the PLUS sign to add rows for your hours. List the date of the first time you went to field experience, followed by the number of hours (please record in quarter hours — that is, 2.00 hours, 2.50 hours, 2.25 hours, etc.). Also briefly describe in a few words what you did during your field experience that day. Click the PLUS sign to add additional days and hours. When you’ve entered all your hours, compute the total number of hours and enter them in the appropriate box.
- Click on Create. That will return you to the previous screen where you will see the new Goal Sheet Artifact you created.
- You can return to this Goal Sheet any time to keep track of your hours by clicking on the Artifacts tab.
Step 2 — Attaching the Goal Sheet to the Field Experience Binder
- WIth 1-2 weeks left in the semester, you will get an email from the Director of Assessment that your field experience binder has been sent to you. This means that you can now attach your goal sheet to your field experience binder.
- You can access the binder from two locations.
- You can find the binder under the “Pending Tasks” section on the Home page OR
- Click on the Field Experience tab to find the binder.
- Click on the link next to the red flag. On that home page, you will see to which district/school the binder was sent; if you click on the assessment tab, you can see which teacher(s) the binder was sent. Make sure that you attach the correct Goal Sheet.
- Click on the “Goal Sheets” tab at the top of the page. On the right hand side, next to “Attachments,” click on the Select button to attach your Goal Sheet artifact. You will get an option to Select an existing artifact (on a tab at the top of the screen that opens). Select the Goal Sheet artifact that corresponds with this field experience course, click on Add.
- It will tell you that the artifact is attached. Click OK. That will return you to the previous screen.
- Click on SUBMIT, and that will send it to your professor and to your teacher. If you don’t click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page, your work will NOT be saved and submitted. Your field experience host teacher will complete an evaluation of your work in his/her classroom; you can see this evaluation by clicking on the Assessment tab.
- WIth 1-2 weeks left in the semester, you will get an email from the Director of Assessment that your field experience binder has been sent to you. This means that you can now create your goal sheet in your field experience binder.
- You can access the binder from two locations.
- You can find the binder under the “Pending Tasks” section on the Home page OR
- Click on the Field Experience tab to find the binder.
- Click on the link to your field experience. On that home page, you will see to which district/school the binder was sent; if you click on the assessment tab, you can see which teacher(s) the binder was sent. Make sure that you create the correct Goal Sheet.
- Click on the “Goal Sheets” tab at the top of the page. On the right hand side, next to “Attachments,” click on the Create New Artifact button to create your Goal Sheet artifact.
- Give your artifact a title — use the semester, year, your last name, course number, school. Example: Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 Greenvale.
- Complete one artifact for each placement you are completing. Name them appropriately (by class and placement). You must first change the Title:
- If you have two placements for one class, create two goal sheets and name them: “Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 Greenvale” and “Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 Nfield HS” or put the name of each host teacher in a different goal sheet.
- If you have one placement that is covering two classes, only do ONE goal sheet: “Fall 2013 Xiong ED 246 and 330 Greenvale”
- Complete the entire page. Remember that your host teacher will be able to see whatever you write!
- Near the bottom of the page, enter your hours in a table — the table is titled Record of time. Click on the PLUS sign to add rows for your hours. List the date of the first time you went to field experience, followed by the number of hours (please record in quarter hours — that is, 2.00 hours, 2.50 hours, 2.25 hours, etc.). Also briefly describe in a few words what you did during your field experience that day. Click the PLUS sign to add additional days and hours. When you’ve entered all your hours, compute the total number of hours and enter them in the appropriate box.
- Click on Add. That will return you to the previous screen where you will see the new Goal Sheet Artifact you created.
- Click on SUBMIT, and that will send it to your professor and to your teacher. If you don’t click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page, your work will NOT be saved and submitted. Your field experience host teacher will complete an evaluation of your work in his/her classroom; you can see this evaluation by clicking on the Assessment tab.
Step 3 — Viewing Your Host Teacher’s Evaluation
- Click on the Field Experience tab. You will see a list of all the field experiences you have done in Tk20. Click on the one you would like to read.
- Click on the Assessment tab at the top of the binder view. You will see links for the Field Experience Host Evaluation and the Goal Sheet Sign-Off. Click on the link for the Evaluation.
- If your host teacher completed his/her evaluation of your field experience, you will be able to see his/her responses. If an evaluation has not been completed, you will see an incomplete evaluation.
- When you are finished viewing the evaluation, click Close twice at the bottom of the page.
For Students: Reviewing Field Experience Hours (updated 9/9/21)
- On the left navigation bar, click on Home–>Preferences–>Profile–>Details
- Scroll down to the Goal Sheets section. Here you can review your field experience hours.
For Students: Completing the Candidate Presentation Portfolio (updated 4/20/19)
The Candidate Presentation gives students an opportunity to reflect on progress towards meeting the MN Board of Teaching standards through Education coursework and field experiences, and it will help the Education Department gauge readiness to student teach. Successful completion of this presentation (generally in the semester prior to student teaching) is required in order to student teach. The assignment can be found here: assignment for the Candidate Presentation.
- Click on Portfolio link. You should see the Candidate Presentation Portfolio labeled with a little red flag.
- Click on the Candidate Presentation Portfolio link.
- Click on the tab for Standard 2.
- Upload your files that correspond with the Standards; you should upload at least two files for each standard — one for each piece of evidence required. Click on the SELECT button to upload a file. Give your file a title in the Title text box. Then to attach a file, click on SELECT FILE and choose the file from your computer (or you can drag the file to the gray space below the Select File button). Click the green ADD button to upload the files. If you have other files to add, under “Additional Attachments,” you can select additional files.
- As you are working, periodically click on the SAVE DRAFT button at the bottom of the portfolio. Your portfolio IS NOT saved until you click on that button, even though your artifacts show up as being attached.
- Once all your files are attached for Standard 2, you will complete a Portfolio Reflection Form for Standard 2. This is where you will write how the evidence you’ve just uploaded demonstrates that you have met each standard. You will see a link with a little green + sign titled “Add Reflection.” Click on this. A text box will open into which you will type in your response. Then click Add. You can do one Portfolio Reflection Form for both of the pieces of evidence you upload.
- Repeat steps 3-6 above for each of the other Standards tabs.
- For the Dispositions, you will create a Dispositions Artifact. click on the Dispositions tab. Click on the hyperlink “Disposition Self-Assessment.” Complete the artifact by rating yourself on each of the statements. You will also do a reflection for the Dispositions.
- Upload your Student Teaching Goals and your Statement of Readiness to Student Teach under the appropriate tabs.
- Complete the Self-disclosure Statements artifact under this tab.
- When you are done, click on SUBMIT, and that will send it to your assessor. You can also SAVE by clicking at the bottom of the screen it if you need to work on it at a later date. Remember that SAVE will not submit it. Also, if you exit this screen without SAVING your work (at the bottom of the screen), all your uploaded files will be gone.
For Students: Recalling Assignments, Binders, Portfolios (updated 4/14/22)
If you need to RECALL an assignment, binder or portfolio, these are the steps you can take. This only works if your professor hasn’t started assessing the portfolio/assessment/course binder using the rubric:
- Click on Portfolio tab on left (or Courses–>Coursework for assignments or Field Experience).
- You will see a list of portfolios/binders/
assignments. - Check the box next to the portfolio/binder/assignment you want to recall.
- At the top of the list, click on the button with an arrow in a circle. This will recall your portfolio/binder/assignment
For Students: Seeing Your MTLE Scores (updated 3/27/17)
If you want to see your test scores, follow the directions below. These scores are generally available in the system approximately 6 weeks after you take the test(s).
- From your HOME page, click on Preferences–>Profile.
- Click on the Test Scores tab.
- You can see your scores from ACT, SAT, and MTLE. If there is a “P” next to your MTLE score, it means that you passed.
For Student Teachers: Providing Your Teaching Schedule (updated 2/20/17)
Here are the steps for providing the Education Department with your teaching schedule and other details about your student teaching placement. Please complete this for each placement.
- Click on Applications on the home page.
- At the top of the Applications page, click on Create New Application.
- Select the application type Student Teaching Schedule. Click Next.
- Make sure to CAREFULLY complete this form, as it will provide your college supervisors with important information they will use when visiting you.
- If you didn’t get a chance to finish the application in one setting, you can SAVE it and return to it by clicking on the “Applications” tab.
- Once you finish the application, click on SUBMIT. If you don’t SUBMIT the application, your supervisors and the Education Department will not be able to see the information you provided.
- If you need to change your schedule, Sue/Heather can REVOKE the assessment and grant an extension. From the “Applications”–>”Browse” page, you should see the application you created for your schedule. Click on the RECALL button, make changes and resubmit.
For Student Teachers/Students: Completing the edTPA (updated 4/25/21)
Here are the steps for completing your edTPA in Tk20.
- Click on the Portfolio link at the left. You should see the edTPA labeled with a little red flag.
- Click on the edTPA link.
- You can download your handbook from this first page if you want an electronic pdf file (it is password protected; the username and password are in Tk20 on the home page for the edTPA).
- You should download all the Templates to your desktop and rename them but DO NOT use your name. Save these word document templates as you will be using them to complete the edTPA prompts. These templates are password-protected; the username and password are in Tk20 on the home page for the edTPA
- Click on Task 1 tab. To attach a file, click on SELECT. You can SELECT FILE or drag and drop it. You can rename the file in the field that says “TITLE.” Make sure to click on the ADD button at the bottom of the page.
- As you are working, periodically click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the portfolio. Your portfolio IS NOT saved until you click on that button, even though your artifacts show up as being attached.
- When you are completely done, click on SUBMIT for INTERNAL REVIEW, and that will send it to your professor. You can also SAVE it if you need to work on it at a later date. Remember that SAVE will not submit it. Also, if you exit this screen without SAVING your work, all your uploaded files will be gone.
- Student teachers: When you are ready to transfer to Pearson, click on that button. Make sure that you already have a student account with Pearson and have paid the costs associated with the edTPA. You can find out more about the transfer from Tk20 on the home page of your edTPA and here (from Pearson — look at the pdf document labeled “Transferring Your Portfolio from an Integrated System”).
- Other podcasts:
- Other resources (external links)
For Student Teachers: Completing the Midterm Student Teaching Assessment (updated 3/27/17)
Here are the steps for completing your Midterm ST Assessment in Tk20.
- Under Pending Tasks click on Please start the Field Experience Student Teaching Midterm Assessment.
- Click on Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation.
- You will now be creating an artifact in TK20; you do not need to attach any files. Click on SELECT to start the midterm self-assessment. If you are working with more than one host teacher, you will have two SELECT buttons.
- Give the form the title — “YOUR NAME Student Teaching Midterm Self-Evaluation” (You MUST complete any field with an *). If you are completing more than one midterm evaluation, please indicate your host teacher’s name.
- Skip the description box
- Click on the radio buttons to indicate where you feel you are in your teaching practice for each criteria using these guidelines. You will complete one form for each cooperating teacher:
- Emerging – This is an area in which I could improve a great deal
- Basic – I meet this criteria, but there is still some room for improvement.
- Proficient – This is one of my real teaching strengths; I am confident of my proficiency in this area
- ADD the form (VERY important!!).
- SUBMIT the form when you are ready. If you SAVE the form, you can go back and edit it.
- You will be able to see your form and your host teacher’s form when both are completed. In addition, your college supervisors will be able to see this self-assessment form.
For Student Teachers: Completing the Final Student Teaching Assessment (for half-semester placements)
Here are the steps for completing your Final ST Assessment in Tk20.
- Under Pending Tasks click on Please start the Field Experience Student Teaching Final Assessment.
- You will see a row of tabs in the binder. You need to complete all of the tabs in order to submit the binder. You DO NOT need to do the Assessment, Standards, or Feedback tabs.
- Click on SELECT for the Student Teacher Feedback on Cooperating Teacher.
- You will now be creating an artifact. Click on SELECT for the Student Teacher Feedback on Cooperating Teacher.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this form for your self-evaluation
- Give the form the title — “YOUR NAME Student Teacher Feedback on Cooperating Teacher TEACHER NAME” (You MUST complete any field with an *).
- You can skip the description box.
- Click on the radio buttons to indicate your ratings on your host teacher. Only the Director of Student Teaching (Rosie Pfarr-Baker) will see this form.
- ADD the form (VERY important!!); you can continue to edit this form until you SUBMIT.
- SAVE on the page that opens.
- Click on SELECT for the Student Teaching Attendance Form.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this form for your self-evaluation
- Give the form the title — “YOUR NAME Attendance First 7 week placement” (You MUST complete any field with an *).
- You can skip the description box.
- Indicate the dates you were absent and write a reason for your absences. Your cooperating teacher must verify these hours, so it is very important that you complete this as soon as possible.
- ADD the form (VERY important!!); you can continue to edit this form until you SUBMIT.
- SAVE on the page that opens.
- SUBMIT when you have completed all artifacts
For Student Teachers: Completing the Final Student Teaching Assessment Binder (for second half-semester and full semester placements) (updated 3/27/17)
Here are the steps for completing your Final ST Assessment in Tk20.
- Under Pending Tasks click on Please start the Field Experience Student Teaching Final Assessment.
- You will see a portfolio with several tabs. You need to complete all the tabs (except for Assessment, Feedback, and Standards) before you submit the binder. If you have a split placement, you might not have all the tabs listed below.
- Click Disposition Self-Assessment; click SELECT.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this form for your self-evaluation
- Give the artifact the title — “YOUR NAME Disposition Self-Assessment” (You MUST complete any field with an *).Skip the description box.
- Click on the radio buttons to indicate your self-assessment ratings. Only the Director of Student Teaching (Rosie Pfarr-Baker) will see this artifact.
- ADD and SAVE the form (VERY important!!). Make sure you also click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
- Click on Feedback on College Supervisor; click SELECT.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this artifact to provide feedback on your college supervisors
- Give the artifact the title — “YOUR NAME Feedback on College Supervisor SUPERVISOR NAME” (You MUST complete any field with an *).
- Skip the description box.
- Click on the radio buttons to indicate your ratings for your college supervisors. Only the Director of Student Teaching (Rosie Pfarr-Baker) will see this artifact. However, she will also share summary ratings and comments in aggregate form with supervisors (that is, she will compile feedback from all student teachers to share with supervisors).
- ADD and SAVE the artifact (VERY important!!). Make sure you also click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
- If you have more than one college supervisor, you will have space for more than one artifact. Make sure to evaluate ALL your college supervisors.
- Click on Student Teacher Feedback on Cooperating Teacher; click SELECT.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this form for your self-evaluation
- Give the form the title — “YOUR NAME Student Teacher Feedback on Cooperating Teacher TEACHER NAME” (You MUST complete any field with an *).
- You can skip the description box.
- Click on the radio buttons to indicate your ratings on your host teacher. Only the Director of Student Teaching (Rosie Pfarr-Baker) will see this form.
- ADD the form (VERY important!!); you can continue to edit this form until you SUBMIT.
- SAVE on the page that opens.
- If you have more than one cooperating teacher, you will have space for more than one artifact. Make sure to evaluate ALL your cooperating teachers.
- Click on Evaluation of he Teacher Education Program; click SELECT.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be creating this artifact.
- Give the form the title — “YOUR NAME Program Evaluation” (You MUST complete any field with an *).
- Skip the description box.
- Click on the radio buttons to indicate your ratings. Only the Director of Student Teaching (Rosie Pfarr-Baker) will see this artifact.
- ADD the form (VERY important!!); you can continue to edit this artifact until you SUBMIT. Make sure you also click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the next page.
- Click on Student Teaching Report; click on the hyperlink ST Report to download the file with questions you will complete.
- You will upload a file. Click on Select to choose your file (either by list or drag and drop).
- Choose the word document you created to answer the prompts for the ST Report. Make sure the name is YOUR NAME Student Teaching Report.
- Click on ADD. Make sure you also click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the form.
- Click on Human Relations. Click SELECT.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this artifact to outline the courses and experiences you’ve had with diversity.
- Give the artifact the title — “YOUR NAME Human Relations.”
- Skip the description box.
- Add rows to each of the tables to list the courses you had that addressed each type of diversity listed. You might list a course more than once.
- Add text to the text boxes to outline how you experienced each type of diversity. These experiences could be field experiences, student teaching, January Term, summer jobs, etc.
- ADD/SAVE the artifact (VERY important!!).
- You will now be uploading a file for the second line under Human Relations. This will be the essay you write about Human Relations. Together, successful completion of the artifact and the essay meet the requirements of EDUC 382.
- Click on Select and attach your Human Relations essay as a word document (you can drag and drop instead)
- Click on ADD. Make sure you also click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
- Click on Student Teaching Attendance Form; click SELECT. Do this on the LAST DAY of student teaching.
- You will not be attaching any files, but you will be completing this form for your self-evaluation
- Give the form the title — “YOUR NAME Attendance (Placement if you have more than one host teacher)” (You MUST complete any field with an *).
- You can skip the description box.
- Indicate the dates you were absent and write a reason for your absences. Your cooperating teacher must verify these hours, so it is very important that you complete this as soon as possible.
- ADD the form (VERY important!!); you can continue to edit this form until you SUBMIT.
- SAVE on the page that opens.
- You will see a row in a table marked Student Teaching Goals (from Candidate Presentation). Click on Click here to Attach.
- You will now be uploading a file. This file should already exist in Tk20. Look at the list that populates in the window and select the file you used for your student teaching goals from your candidate presentation.
- Click on the Continue button; click on ok.
- Click on Choose File and attach your Student Teaching Report as a word document
- Click on Save. Make sure you also click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the form.
- Click Disposition Self-Assessment; click SELECT.
- If you want to SAVE before submitting, you need to click AGAIN on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page before you exit out of Tk20.
- SUBMIT the binder when you have completed all artifacts
For Student Teachers: Viewing Letters of Recommendation and Student Teaching Evaluations
Here are the steps for viewing the assessments from student teaching.
- Click on the Field Experience tab. You will see a list of all the field experiences you have done in Tk20. Click on a link that has “Final ST Evaluation” or “Final ST Assessment.” Please note that if you have two student teaching placements, you will have two final assessment binders to view.
- Click on the Assessment tab at the top of the binder view. You will see links for letters of recommendation and the final assessment forms. You should be able to download the letters of recommendation when looking for teaching positions.
For Student Teachers: Standard 1 Portfolio
Here are the steps for completing your Standard 1 Portfolio.
- You can find all the MN Board of Teaching links for Standard 1 at this link: Page down until you see the Teacher Standards section for your licensure area(s). You need to show that you’ve met Standard 1 overall. You DO NOT have to demonstrate that you have met all the substandards listed in Standard 1.
- You should provide AT LEAST three QUALITY pieces of evidence that clearly show you have met Standard 1. This evidence should be from student teaching, but you could also use other evidence from courses. Remember that this evidence should be linked to your being able to teach and assess the content material.
- Log in and click on the Portfolio link at the left side. You should see Student Teaching Standard 1 Portfolio labeled with a little red flag. In this portfolio, you will include your evidence that you’ve met Standard 1. Click on the link.
- Click on the SELECT button to upload the three files that demonstrates the evidence that you have met Standard 1 for your licensure area.
- If you would like to upload additional files, next to “Additional Attachments” click on the SELECT button.
- As you are working, periodically click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the portfolio. Your portfolio IS NOT saved until you click on that button, even though your artifacts show up as being attached.
- Once all files are attached, click on Portfolio Reflection Form. This is where you will write about how the evidence you’ve just uploaded demonstrates that you have met the Standard. Type in your response and click Add. You might want to complete all these responses in a word document and then cut and paste into this text box.
- When you are done, click on SUBMIT, and that will send it to your professor. You can also SAVE by clicking at the bottom of the screen it if you need to work on it at a later date. Remember that SAVE will not submit it. Also, if you exit this screen without SAVING your work (at the bottom of the screen), all your uploaded files will be gone.
- If you are obtaining more than one license, your portfolio will have space for more than one “Standard 1” tab. You need to provide evidence for EACH license.
For Student Teachers and Alumni: Providing Updates to the Education Department
Here are the steps for keeping the Education Department updated on your jobs, location, and exciting life experiences!
- Login to Tk20 (if you cannot remember your password and cannot reset it, please email Sue Couture or Heather Campbell to reset it)
- Click on Applications–>Create–>Alumni Update Form
- Complete the form and SUBMIT it.