St. Olaf Tobacco Policy
Beginning January 1, 2021, smoking and vaping will not be allowed inside any building owned, leased, or rented by St. Olaf. Smoking will only be allowed in personal vehicles and designated outdoor smoking areas that have been carefully chosen with proximity to entrances and building ventilation systems in mind. Beginning September 1, 2021 smoking or vaping use will not be allowed anywhere on the St. Olaf campus.
According to the Spring 2021 National College Health Survey, 12.5% of St. Olaf students reported using tobacco or nicotine delivery products (cigarettes, ecigarettes, Juul or other vape products, water pipe or hookah, chewing tobacco, cigars, etc.). The move to a tobacco-free campus is in alignment with the policies at many colleges and universities in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, all U.S. colleges and universities prohibit smoking inside campus buildings, and as of January 2, 2020, there are 2,062 campuses that have gone tobacco-free. Substantial research demonstrates the damaging effects of tobacco on users and persons who experience second-hand smoke as a result of that use.
We acknowledge that for those who use tobacco products, it is difficult to quit. To the right are some resources to explore.