Sexual Well-Being
The Wellness Center is committed to providing students with comprehensive sexual education. We take a public health approach to sex education and sexual violence prevention, with a specific focus on communication, relationships, and identity.
Sexual wellness involves engaging in the pursuit of knowledge and the skills needed to make informed, healthy decisions about your sexual self. It requires getting regular check-ups, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) if appropriate, and avoiding risky sexual behaviors. Sexual wellness involves the process of accepting your sexual identity, engaging in sexual relationships that are consistent with your values and development, and refraining from using sex to manipulate or influence others. You promote a culture of consent and are able to clearly communicate and express your sexual limits and honor others limits with openness and acceptance, including abstinence.
Sexual wellness themes include risk-reduction around Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and pregnancy, pregnancy resources, sexual identity, gender Identity/Transgender/Gender non-binary information, relationships, promoting a culture of consent, clear communication and honor of sexual limits, and sexual assault resources.