New Student Orientation
When is New Student Orientation?
Is there anything I need to do over the summer for New Student Orientation?
I’m a transfer student. Is New Student Orientation for me?
What will New Student Orientation look like this fall? Where can I find the schedule?
What is an Ole card for and when will I get mine?
Where can I find directions to campus?
Residence Life
What will my residence hall look like? How do I find a roommate?
Are there rules about what I can or cannot bring to my residence hall room?
If I have questions about my New & Transfer Student Housing Agreement Form can I receive assistance?
Am I allowed to drink or smoke in my residence hall or on campus?
Co-Curricular Involvement
What student organizations exist on campus?
What is College Ministry?
I want to be involved in music on campus. How and when can I audition? Do I have to be a music major?
I want to take music lessons at St. Olaf. How can I sign up? Do lessons cost more? What about using practice rooms?
If I’m undecided about my major, what will my fall semester schedule look like?
When will I register for my classes?
How can I see which courses are offered in the fall?
How do I decide which courses to take?
How likely is it that I will get into the classes I want?
How many classes/credits will I take in my first semester?
Can I test out of the language requirement?
How do I know which placement exams to take?
Do I still have to take them if I have a 4 or 5 on the AP exam in that area?
I’m not entirely sure I want to major in ________________, should I take the exam or not?
How do I transfer my pre-college credits?
Student Accounts
When and to whom are financial statements generated? When are payments due?
How do I grant financial access to someone other than myself?
Where and how can payments be made to a student’s account?
My Account Detail/Current Balance does not match what is listed as due under Bills/Amount Due. Which one is accurate?
Why doesn’t my financial aid appear on my bill?
Student Employment
How do I find a job on campus?
Should I apply for a job or sign up to work with Bon Appétit?
Can I work on campus if I don’t have a work award?
work award is required to participate in the Student Employment program at St. Olaf. The majority of the student body is offered a work award as part of their financial package to attend St. Olaf. Not sure if you received or accepted a work award? Please contact the financial aid office (
Students without a work award are able to work as regular employees directly through our food service vendor, Bon Appetit, or our bookstore vendor, Barnes and Noble. In addition, an assortment of public listings are periodically updated on the Find a Job webpage.
When will I find out if I got a job I applied for?
Is there anything required for me to work?
All new incoming students will be required to complete the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form before they are allowed to begin their on-campus job. To complete the I-9 form with HR, students must have original physical documentation ready for examination. List of Acceptable Documents (Note: International Students document verification will occur during International Student Orientation.) Please visit our Employment Paperwork for detailed information on required forms and job offer process.
Parking & Transportation
Can a First-Year student bring a car to campus?
How and when can I apply for a parking permit?
What are my transportation options for accessing the Twin Cities?
The College offers a few options for students to access Minneapolis and St. Paul. Please visit our transportation website to learn more about options for accessing Minneapolis and St. Paul.