The St. Olaf campus is private property and as such, access to and the ability to remain on campus may be denied based on inappropriate behavior. Public Safety is responsible for checking and locking all academic and administrative buildings and checking residence halls. Public Safety strives to see that all appropriate doors are locked and asks that any student or employee who notices an unlocked or propped door to report the location immediately to Public Safety at x3666.
A daily crime log is maintained in the Public Safety Office and is available for public review during normal business hours. This log contains a chronological listing of all crimes reported on campus property and includes the date and time reported, the date and time the offense occurred, an approximate location, general information and the disposition of the crime.
Students concerned about their personal safety may contact Public Safety at x3666 and request an on-campus walking escort from the caller’s location to their destination. A Community Service Officer (student) will be dispatched to the caller’s location. This service is available 7:00PM to 1:00AM every day classes are in session.
Public Safety can provide some roadside assistance to students and employees who are experiencing car trouble on campus. Public Safety carries a variety of unlocking tools and jump packs in their vehicles. If you lock your keys in your car or find you have a dead battery, contact Public Safety at x3666 for assistance.