It is highly recommended that all courses approved as part of the OLE Core general education curriculum include the relevant intended learning outcomes (ILOs) on the syllabus. In addition, the following are several suggested statements that faculty members may choose to include on their course syllabi. If individual faculty members have alternative texts of these statements, or other statements they would like to share, they can send them to the chair of the Student Life Committee.
I am committed to supporting the learning of all students in my class. If you have already registered with Disability and Access (DAC) and have your letter of accommodations, please meet with me as soon as possible to discuss, plan, and implement your accommodations in the course. If you have or think you have a disability (learning, sensory, physical, chronic health, mental health or attentional), please contact Disability and Access staff at 507-786-3288 or by visiting
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Suggested addition if your course normally would prohibit computers in class:
The Writing Desk: Peer tutors at the Writing Desk offer help with any paper, in any class, at any stage of the writing process. Some tutors are also trained to offer additional support in speaking and research. You can sign up for an appointment online or stop by TOH 153 Sundays 12pm-9pm, Mondays-Thursdays, 9am-9pm, and Fridays 9am-4:30pm. Learn more at
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Plagiarism, the unacknowledged appropriation of another person’s words or ideas, is a serious academic offense. It is imperative that you hand in work that is your own, and that cites or gives credit to others whenever you draw from their work. Please see:
- St. Olaf’s statements on academic integrity and plagiarism at: (
- St. Olaf’s honor system at: and the Honor Council’s Bylaws section on syllabus statements.
Roadmap to Academic Integrity: 5/23
The Student Life Committee recognizes that faculty will take different approaches to AI depending on discipline and the learning goals of a course. Please see this web resource, developed by St. Olaf’s Instructional Technology team.
In this course, we underscore the importance of democratic principles and civic engagement as foundational elements of a vibrant and functioning society. Our aim is to cultivate an academic environment that encourages active participation in the democratic process and fosters an understanding of civic responsibilities. This course seeks to empower students to become informed citizens who are equipped to contribute thoughtfully and effectively to public discourse and community well-being. Our collective exploration will prepare students for a lifetime of engaged citizenship.
If you’re eligible to vote, I encourage you to do so. Visit the Register to Vote page or fill out a pledge to vote form that will walk you through the process of how to register to vote and cast your ballot. If you’re not eligible to vote, there are still ways for you to get involved–and I encourage you to do so. Visit the Non-U.S. Citizen Student Engagement page for ideas.
In this class, we aspire to the same standards of academic freedom, critical inquiry, and free expression adopted by the faculty of St. Olaf College. These standards include affording everyone the “broadest possible latitude to speak, create, listen, question, and learn” in all aspects of teaching and learning, while recognizing “that encountering opposition to our firmly held commitments can be difficult and uncomfortable.” St. Olaf is a community of learners. We seek to enter into difficult discussions in the spirit of kindness and respect, even as we interrogate conflicting perspectives and engage with those perspectives through rigorous reflection and critique.
This course affirms people of all gender expressions and gender identities. If you go by a different name than what is on the class roster, please let me know. Using correct gender pronouns is important to me, so you are encouraged to share your pronouns with me and correct me if a mistake is made. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Faculty Members, please refer to this page for further information on using pronouns.
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“We stand on the homelands of the Wahpekute Band of the Dakota Nation. We honor with gratitude the people who have stewarded the land throughout the generations and their ongoing contributions to this region. We acknowledge the ongoing injustices that we have committed against the Dakota Nation, and we wish to interrupt this legacy, beginning with acts of healing and honest storytelling about this place.”
Revised 11/20
“As part of my commitment to make St Olaf an inclusive community, I will provide students with reasonable religious accommodations.
If you will be missing class for a religious observance or require another religious accommodation, please meet with me to discuss these.”
revised 5/23
As an Ole, I will practice: PASSION for learning and pursuit of vocation; RESPECT for the worth and dignity of all people; INTEGRITY at all times, in all circumstances; DEDICATION to a life of service; and ENGAGEMENT with my community and the world.
As an Ole, I will practice:
Passion for learning and pursuit of vocation
Respect for the worth and dignity of all people
Integrity at all times, in all circumstances
Dedication to a life of service, and
Engagement with my community and the world.
Spring 2013
I am committed to making course content accessible to all students. If English is not your first language and this causes you concern about the course, please speak with me. Students who would like extra support with writing or speaking in English can also contact the language support specialist ( in the Academic Success Center.
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[Note for Faculty: Please also be aware of the St. Olaf College Statement on Instructional Adaptations to Testing Procedures for Students Whose First Language is Not English, which can be found here.]
Recommended syllabus statement on stress, anxiety, and mental health:
I greatly value your experience in this class, and it is my duty to facilitate a safe, caring, and productive learning environment. I recognize that you may experience a range of emotional, physical, and/or psychological issues, both in and out of the classroom, that may distract you from your learning.
If you are experiencing such issues, please do not hesitate to come see me—I am here to listen. We can also discuss what further resources might be available to you.
Need help with an assignment that involves technology (e.g. a podcast, website design, or video project)? Libraries and Information Technology Services (LITS) provides resources and access to technology in order to support your learning. Specialized computers, media equipment, and software are available in Halvorson Music and Rolvaag Memorial Libraries (RML). If you would benefit from personalized support you can consult with technologists and student interns at the Digital Scholarship Center at St. Olaf (DiSCO), which is located on the 4th floor of RML.
Use the links below to make an appointment with a technologist, reserve DiSCO space, or check out equipment.
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Need help brainstorming a research topic, finding credible sources, or properly citing a source? Librarians are available to help at any point during your research process.
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Required Referrals
Below are some examples of information faculty and staff can share with students they instruct or supervise to help students understand their role as supportive but non-confidential resources.
Example 1 (for course instructor):
You are welcome to speak to me about any issues that arise for you in the context of this course, including any circumstances outside of class that may be affecting your classroom experience or academic performance. However, please be aware that I am required to refer to the college’s Title IX Coordinator any information students share about experiences of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or dating violence. I am also expected to share any disclosures of incidents of bias, harassment, or discrimination to the Bias Response Team. If you want to speak confidentially with someone about such an experience, you are encouraged to contact any of the following resources, who are not required to share your information with anyone.
Sexual Assault Resource Network (SARN)
Information about support, resources, and options for students who have been affected by sexual harassment or misconduct is available on the Get Support page of the college’s Title IX website. Information about support, resources, and options for students who have experienced incidents of bias or discrimination is available on the college’s Equity and Inclusion website.
Example 2 (for course instructor):
There will be times throughout this course when students will write about or discuss events from their past. Students are encouraged to participate by sharing their experiences. Please keep in mind that information you share that could affect your safety or the safety of others on campus, is information that I may be obligated to share with other college personnel. For example, past experiences of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking or dating violence is information that I am obligated to share with the college’s Title IX Coordinator. Additionally, I am also expected to share any disclosures of incidents of bias, harassment, or discrimination to the Bias Response Team. By providing this notice, I do not wish to discourage students from sharing their experiences. My intention is only to ensure that students are not confused about the confidentiality of information they choose to share.
If you want to speak confidentially with someone about such an experience, you are encouraged to contact any of the following resources, who are not required to share your information with anyone.
Sexual Assault Resource Network (SARN)
Information about support, resources, and options for students who have been affected by sexual harassment or misconduct is available on the Get Support page of the college’s Title IX website. Information about support, resources, and options for students who have experienced incidents of bias or discrimination is available on the college’s Equity and Inclusion website.
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