Grant-Related Projects
Grant-related projects should be reviewed by our office before submitting your application. This review may help avoid painful problems trying to pay for construction and utilities after the equipment is on site. Many grants allow a component for facilities issues, but most often this must be included with the initial application. If your grant does do not address facility needs, the college needs to know what expenses it is obligated to in order to get the project completed.
Academic Facility Projects
If you have a project and are not sure if it should be a maintenance issue, please check with us. If it is work that does require funding from another source, we can prepare estimates so that your department chair can evaluate the request and probable cost. The chair would then discuss it with the associate dean of your faculty. Some of these projects will eventually become part of the capital budget, and capital projects within the academic division are prioritized for funding by the dean’s council.
We need the name of the department, the contact name, the location of the proposed work, and a brief description of the work. If there is equipment involved we will need technical specifications as soon as possible so that all of the utility implications are in up front.
Larger Academic Projects
A dramatic change in your program triggered by a fundamental change in the curriculum might require lots of new and different kinds of spaces. This type of need would be initially considered by the college’s director of facilities and the associate dean for academic resources. They are responsible for a long range facilities planning document that has been prepared in order to help the college plan and prioritize its larger facility requirements. The plan is updated frequently, and your need may be included in updated plans after they are reviewed. They may also decide that a particular project might belong in another queue for funding, and redirect the request.