Consistent with the principles set forth in the SRAP Planning Guideline, the Instructional Program Review Group and the Non-Instructional Program Review Group TAG projects will:
- Demonstrate alignment with the College’s Mission and Mission in Practice statements
- Uphold the reputation and quality of the St. Olaf experience
- Contribute to St. Olaf’s “Value Proposition” for current and prospective students
- Identify strategic opportunities or improvements
- Continue development of the Strategic Plan
- Do no harm to the student academic experience, either now or in the future
- Minimize any negative impact on the student non-instructional experience
- Remember the College legacy as we work to “future proof” the College
- Ensure that offices are operating as efficiently as possible and can demonstrate their cost effectiveness
- When possible and appropriate, cut or contain non-compensation expenditures before people
- When cuts in staff are necessary, first turn to retirements or resignations
- Maintain a level of staffing appropriate for the nature and level of programs
- Maintain quality of work life and fairness in the distribution of work assignments when staff are cut
How TAGs will engage with the SRAP Steering Committee and the College community:
- A summary of each TAG project, including purpose, group members, and project objectives, is provided at TAG Team Charges.
- As part of their work, TAG members will confer with appropriate governance entities (e.g., relevant standing faculty committees) when potential recommendations invoke principles of shared governance
- TAG project members welcome input from any colleague in the St. Olaf community. You can contact the manager(s) of the team directly, as listed on TAG Team Charges, to provide information, share recommendations or concerns, or arrange to meet with the TAG team of interest.
- TAG research findings and recommendations will be submitted to the SRAP Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will share the recommendations with the President’s Leadership Team (PLT), which will advise on next steps.
- The Steering Committee will confer as needed with affected offices and individuals to plan for the implementation of the recommendations.