Residents are expected to abide by all policies and procedures of the College including those found in The Book, The Official Student Handbook. This entire document is considered the Residence Life Policy & Procedures. The word resident will refer to students who live in college-managed housing.
Residential College
St. Olaf College takes pride in its status as a residential college. Combining residence hall staff, building inventories, and event programming, St. Olaf residence halls are structured to support student development. During a time when many students are transitioning to the management of their own living space, the on-campus residential experience assists in the development of community heightened responsibility and preparedness for life after college.
Residence Life Staff
The residence life staff is given the responsibility to assist residents in establishing respectful, cooperative communities. Through a variety of activities and services, they work with students toward developing a community atmosphere that is conducive to study and socializing.
Policies, Responsibilities, and Expectations
Living in a community requires compromise and consideration. Take the time to discuss expectations with peers. If interpersonal frictions arise which are not amenable to a workable solution, advice and counsel should be sought from residence life staff. The cooperation of all residents and guests is expected. Residents will be held accountable for their guests’ behavior and are responsible for informing guests of all policies.
Live-in Staff at times are called upon to enforce college policies and regulations.The failure of residents to cooperate with college staff acting in the course of their duties may result in disciplinary actions and/or a fee. Residence Life has the authority to administratively relocate/change housing assignments.
Rights & Responsibilities
The following rights and responsibilities are intended to define minimal expectations for all residents to ensure the enjoyment of their freedom without placing constraints upon the rights of other residents:
The Right:
To dwell free from undue interference.
The Responsibility:
To mitigate distractions that inhibit the ability to dwell by another person at all times.
The Right:
To have the opportunity for recreation in or around the residence hall.
The Responsibility:
To modify recreation so that it does not distract with other needs of the community.
The Right:
To personal privacy.
The Responsibility:
For the college to maintain such an environment where reasonable levels of privacy can be maintained.
The Right:
To recourse, according to the Student Code of Conduct, against anyone who unduly infringes on one’s rights or property.
The Responsibility:
To advocate for one’s concerns while not intentionally infringing on others rights.
The Right:
To participate in the process of self-governance at different levels.
The Responsibility:
To have the opportunity to be an active participant in the process.
Residence Life Policies
List and Dictionary
The following is a partial list of activities/actions which, under current contract guidelines, are considered policy violations by St. Olaf College on-campus living.
Policy List and Dictionary (A-Z)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Advertising/Marketing in Residence Halls
Residence Life must approve all advertisements for posting within the residence halls and the immediate exteriors of the residence hall.
- All interested parties are encouraged to send ( an electronic copy of advertisement material before printing for approval.
- Materials that include alcohol, THC and any other illicit drugs will not be approved.
- Entities external to St. Olaf College must have an agreement from Residence Life to advertise.
All groups and individuals wishing to publicize events, services, or sales in residence halls must follow these established guidelines. A Residence Life program, sponsored program, Residence Life staff and Residence Life resident organizations, i.e. Hall Council, RA and RHA may be exempted from a specific policy and procedure. This exemption is done under written communication by Residence Life.
Residence Life Advertising/Marketing Request Form
Authorized to Request Advertisement/Marketing within the residence halls:
- Registered Student Organizations with St. Olaf College
- St. Olaf College academic, administrative and staff offices/departments
- Vendors and businesses officially affiliated with St. Olaf College
- All other vendors and businesses must be partnered with one of the approved entities above.
Length of Time for Advertisement/Marketing to Occur
The maximum standard length of time that advertisement/marketing may be present in the residence halls is 14 calendar days unless otherwise stated.
- All materials must be delivered to the Residence Life office and approved at least seven (7) calendar days before the first advertised date of any event or offering.
- All materials will be removed the day after the event is held.
- Posters without a specified end-date will be removed 14 days after submission.
The policy will include the following but is not limited to:
- Flyers/Posters
- Residence Hall Monitors/Tightrope
- Alternative Display Options: Banners/Hallways/Roll Paper Signs/Tall Board Displays
- Taking internal residence hall pictures/video
- Hall Collections
- Hall Storming (walking the hall floors and/or going door to door)
- Hall Table Displays
All flyers and other postings desired to be displayed in the residence halls must be brought to the Residence Life satellite office in Ytterboe Hall to request approval.
- Two (2) flyers/other postings maximum per residence hall.
- Residence Life will post approved materials in their designated locations
Flyers/Posters must include the minimum information
- The event date and time (if applicable)
- The event location (if applicable)
- The name of the sponsoring organization/department
- At minimum 1 form of contact information, i.e. email address, phone number, etc.
- Please note this may not be a requirement for other offices.
Flyers/Poster Size
- Letter (8.5″ x 11″)
- Tabloid (11″ x 17″)
- Legal (8.5″ x 14″)
Residence Hall Monitors/Tightrope
- Only requests approved by a professional department of the College with an appropriate professional staff supervisor/advisor included on the communication.
- Only information that pertains to the residential experience, Residence Life-partnered programming, or information that is otherwise highly beneficial to residential students living at St. Olaf
- Electronic submissions may be submitted to
Alternative Displays
Alternative displays may include but is not limited to banners, hallways displays, roll paper signs, tall board displays.
- Alternative displays are approved on a case by case situation.
- Requestor interested in an alternative display should begin their inquiry by sending an email to
Taking internal residence hall pictures/video
No entities are allowed to enter the residence halls and take pictures and/or video within without the written permission of St. Olaf College Marketing and Communication and/or Residence Life.
Hall Collections
Hall collections are allowed within the residence hall and will be considered on a case by case situation when requested. Residence Life will only a residence hall to external hall collections during the following months
- September
- October
- November
- January
- February
- March
- April
Criteria with hall collections will include but is not limited to:
- Bin must be accompanied with a flyer/poster with the purpose of the collection, the timeframe of the collection, and contact information for the sponsoring organization.
- Submit a picture of the type of bins/boxes used for the collection
- bin/box must be appropriate for the items being collected
- bin/box must be aesthetically appropriate for placement in the residence hall.
- Bins must be checked every 72 hours.
- Must provide information on who will be checking the bins and they will be given access to the halls to place the boxes/bins and collect items.
Hall Storming
Hall Stormings are allowed within the residence hall and will be considered on a case by case situation when requested.
- Residence Life will only a residence hall to be stormed during the following months
- September
- October
- November
- January
- February
- March
- April
- A Residence Hall can only be stormed twice in a month listed above.
- Individual/Organization hall storming is done as follows:
- Individuals participating must be checked in at the Residence Hall Front Desk.
- 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Door can only be knocked on 3 times and you must announce your name and organization/purpose.
Hall Table Display
Hall table displays are allowed within the residence hall and will be considered on a case by case situation when requested.
- Residence Life will only a residence hall to have table displays during the following months
- September
- October
- November
- January
- February
- March
- April
- Individual/Organization hall storming is done as follows:
- Individuals participating must be checked in at the Residence Hall Front Desk.
5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Door can only be knocked on 3 times and you must announce your name and organization/purpose.
- Residence Life will provide a table if available in the hall.
Residence Life Advertising/Marketing Request Form
Other forms of marketing not completely expressed but identified in other St. Olaf College policies and procedures may be applied. Identified but not inclusive list of other Advertisement/Marketing related resources are provided below:
Student Organization Handbook
Alcohol & Illicit Drug
To see a full statement of the St. Olaf College Alcohol and Illicit Drug policy, see
- Alcohol is not permitted within any residence managed by St. Olaf College. Similarly, alcohol is not permitted in the areas immediately exterior to each residence.
- Alcohol containers (including empties) are not permitted within the residence halls or immediate exterior areas of residences owned and managed by the College.
THC and Illicit Drugs
- St. Olaf prohibits possessing, distributing, using or being under the influence of THC and/or illicit drugs on any property owned by the college, any college vehicle, or in any program or activity sponsored by the college at any location.
- Drugs (Defined as but not limited to marijuana, medical cannabis, THC or non-prescribed drugs).
- The use of prescription medications that are not explicitly prescribed to the user is also prohibited.
Amplified Music
Amplified music may not be played without residence life written permission or directed outside of doors and windows.
- Students wishing to practice with non-amplified musical instruments are encouraged to use designated music practice rooms in the residence halls, classroom buildings, or in the Lion’s Pause.
- Those practicing in their rooms or public areas of residence halls are subject to guidelines specified as quiet and courtesy hours and with the explicit agreement of their roommates/neighbors
Bicycles, scooters and other micro–mobility devices (aka, movers of people and things)
Bicycles should be stored in designated bicycle stands located outside of each residence hall, all campus bicycle storage during the designated storage period, or in student rooms. Safety considerations as well as concerns for damage to public property and the general appearance of our buildings prohibit the storage of bicycles in public indoor areas, including areas such as entryways, stairwells, lounges, suite lounges, utility rooms, etc.
- Devices that contain Lithium Ion batteries must not be taken into any buildings and must be stored (locked) to an exterior bicycle rack.
- Bicycles and other like approved micro-mobility devices must be registered with the Office of Public Safety. If not, the apparatus may be discarded, financial fees applied and/or disciplinary actions may be taken.
- Devices registered with Disability and Access may or may not need to be registered with Public Safety. Residents must inquire with both offices.
For complete information on bicycle registration, please see
Bonfires & Fireplaces
Groups interested in holding a bonfire at a campus bonfire site located adjacent to campus residences must fill out a Bonfire Request through 25Live. The wood used for fire pits/fireplaces must be provided through Facilities utilizing the Event Request Form.
Fireplaces within the residence halls that are wood burning are used only with the written permission of Residence Life. Complete the request form at Residential Services.
Contracted Services
Contracted services are to be coordinated with a college office, i.e. Student Activities, Taylor Center, Residence Life.
- Campus Bands/DJs/Choirs are not to be paid for their performances on campus.
- Equipment needed for the performances can be rented as necessary.
- Passing of the hat/bystanders voluntarily giving money.
Common Areas: Computer Rooms, Study Spaces, Lounges, Chapels, Recreation Rooms, Kitchens and Hallways
The following guidelines have been established to provide appropriate meeting spaces for the College community while also assuring that hall residents have optimum use of their building’s facilities:
- The Live-in Staff for each respective residence hall schedules events in residence hall common area spaces including lounges and recreation rooms.
- The residents of a building will have priority when scheduling hall or corridor functions in their own lounge or recreation room up to 24-hours in advance of the activity.
- Both residence hall lounges and recreation rooms will not be scheduled for the same time in any one residence hall. This practice assures residents of each building the use of one or the other of these facilities at all times.
- The Area Coordinator is not obligated to grant space if it is seems that the request may infringe upon the space needs of the residents.
- Groups are expected to cooperate with Residence Life staff of that particular hall and are responsible for the satisfactory clean-up of that facility immediately following the function. Groups that abuse the privilege of using residence hall facilities may be denied permission to use such facilities in the future.
- A request for occasional use of these facilities for classes by faculty should be directed to the Director of Residence Life.
- Political speakers are only allowed to speak in the residence halls when sponsored by a recognized student organization.
Common Area: Kitchens
Kitchens are available for student use in every hall. All Residence Life supplied cooking materials must remain in the kitchen and can not be taken out the kitchen for personal use. All items checked out must be returned cleaned. It is the responsibility of the person(s) using the kitchen to clean and return the area to an acceptable condition.
Limited kitchen/cooking appliances are permitted within the residence halls to support safety and sustainability in the communal spaces. The list below is not exhaustive either for non-permitted or permitted appliances. The department has the right to ask for any appliance to be removed at any time whether listed below or not to support the residential environment.
Permitted Kitchen/Cooking Appliances: Traditional Suite/Pod -style living include but not limited to:
- Small electrical appliances with enclosed heating elements and UL approved
- Coffeemakers
All other items are prohibited unless given written permission from St. Olaf College. Prohibited Kitchen/Cooking Appliances: Traditional Suite/Pod-Style Living include but not limited to:
Permitted Kitchen/Cooking Appliances: Apartments/Houses/Townhouses
General cooking appliances are permitted as singular items (i.e. one crockpot for the apartment) if they have an automatic shut off. Appliances must be stored and used in the kitchen of the apartment.
- Toaster
- Small electrical appliances with enclosed heating elements and UL approved
- Coffeemakers
- Air fryer
- Crock pot
- Instant pot
- Waffle makers
- Knives
- Less than 4-inch knives – no limit
- More than 4 inches – Two knives (maximum) designed for the purpose of cooking
Cooking appliances with open coils are not permitted except for a toaster unless approved by Residence Life.
- Area Coordinators are responsible for keeping hallways clear of student belongings. After written notice to remove the objects, the items may be removed by college designated staff. Equipment needed for the performances can be rented as necessary.
- Passing of the hat/bystanders voluntarily giving money.
Computers are provided in all the halls to meet the academic needs of students. Any problems with the operation of the computers should be referred to: IT Helpdesk. Use of St. Olaf computers is a privilege granted only to those students who use them responsibly (please see Acceptable Use of Technology for details). Any student suspected of abusing the computer system will be referred for disciplinary action.
Damage and Repair
Charges are assessed to the room occupant(s) for missing and damaged furnishings, failure to clean rooms properly, and/or removal of any property left in a room when vacated.
Residents are responsible for public areas in all college-owned housing. A charge for damages in a given residence area (including furnishings, vending equipment, etc.) may be distributed among the residents in that area when it cannot be determined which individuals are responsible for the damages.
If appropriate, the student may also be liable for appropriate disciplinary action.All students are expected to promptly report damages, malfunction, destruction or loss of college property. Every effort will be made for repairs to be done in a timely manner.
Disabilities Act & Disability & Access
St. Olaf College abides by disability laws as laid out in Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Regulations. Please see Disability and Access at St. Olaf for additional information.
Electrical Appliances
Because of fire safety (and sanitation) concerns, the following guidelines are to be followed. Electrical appliances are permitted in student rooms provided their use does not disturb other residents and that its state of repair is not a fire hazard. Safety, insurance, and health code standards require certain restrictions be placed on the use of some electrical appliances in the halls.
- Appliances with an open coil or burner, hot plates, grills, skillets, halogen lamps, gas appliances, non-college owned/managed refrigerators, microwaves, microfridges, air fryers, toasters, toaster ovens, and ceiling fans are not allowed in student rooms.
- Appliances that produce water/condensations such as air conditioners and other like devices are not permitted.
- Only heat producing electrical appliances that are UL (Underwriters’ Laboratories) approved and have enclosed heating elements are permitted in student rooms.
- Kitchen cooking must be confined to designated cooking areas. No student-owned microwaves, toasters, toaster ovens or hot plates are allowed in residence hall rooms.
- Some prohibited items identified above may be allowed in residence life managed spaces with personal kitchens. This information may be found in this document. You are encouraged to speak with a residence life staff member for any questions.
Residence life staff will ask residents to remove dangerous or prohibited items from their rooms. Should a resident fail to do so, the resident will be asked to remove and store the appliance.
Exterior Doors
All residence hall exterior doors are locked. Doors may not be propped. Entry is through authorized access applied to College approved identification cards. During break periods residence halls authorized entry is provided to students who request to stay during the designated break period and are approved.
Firearms and Explosives
St. Olaf expressly prohibits the possession, manufacture, transfer, sale or use of firearms, weapons and explosives on campus. This prohibition applies to all students, employees, independent contractors, and visitors, including those who have a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. Additional information on the College policy may be found here.
If you are aware that another student or other individual possesses a firearm or other weapon in violation of this policy, you should immediately report the conduct at issue to Public Safety (507-786-3666) or call 911.
- Weapons such as firearms, knives, bows and arrows, as well as any ammunition, are prohibited in the residence halls.
- Laser pens are permitted as long as they are being used for their designed purpose. Improper use of laser pens will result in disciplinary action.
- A resident is not permitted any more than one knife, upon which the blade may not exceed 4 inches in length.
- Students assigned to townhouses and any other similar college housing are exempted from this limit.
- Some prohibited items identified above may be allowed in residence life managed spaces with personal kitchens. This information may be found in this document. You are encouraged to speak with a residence life staff member for any questions.
Fire Safety
Residence halls have been equipped with various emergency systems and equipment to help ensure student safety. Tampering with and/or misuse of fire and safety equipment, including fire alarms, fire doors, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, exit signs, heat sensors, and any other safety equipment is prohibited. The starting of any fire on college property without written authorization is strictly prohibited. St. Olaf reserves the right to take disciplinary action through the appropriate college channels and/or local law enforcement agencies.
All electrical appliances brought to the campus by students are subject to inspection and approval by the college.Any item is considered prohibited when asked to be removed by college staff members and item is not removed at once or deadline given.
- Only heat-producing electrical appliances that are UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved and that have enclosed heating elements.
- Examples of prohibited appliances/items that are not permitted include but is not limited to: electric blankets, portable saunas, items with exposed heating elements, space heaters, air conditioners, and halogen lamps. The hallways must be kept free of debris and personal items.
- Due to the significant risk of fire, the burning of candles or other open flames (this includes incense) are not permitted in residence halls.
- No materials may be draped or affixed overhead (i.e. on the ceiling or over light bulbs).
- Flammable substances, such as gasoline, propane and cleaning fluids, are not to be used or stored in college residences.
- No storage of flammable materials, such as wood (including sheets of wood), empty boxes, excessive amounts of paper or cardboard.
- The college recommends only one appliance per outlet.
- Multi-outlet (octopus plugs) are not allowed
- Daisy chains (connecting one electrical cord to another) Also, multiple outlet ‘octopus’ plugs are not allowed, as they can be a fire hazard.
- Surge protectors are permitted.
- Heavy duty extension cords are permitted. You may not use them in a manner that will not create a fire hazard (i.e. running them under carpet, overloading outlets).
- Splicing of electrical wires or removal of any outlet plates or light switches is prohibited.
- Fire doors are to remain closed at all times.
- Electrical appliances must not be left unattended. Once an appliance has been used, be sure to unplug it.
- Microfridges/Refrigerators may not be placed in closets. Residents must ensure that there is proper space behind the unit to allow the heat that is displaced to be circulated.
- Only college provided microfridges are permitted.
- Items stored too close to heating units are extremely dangerous. Keep a three-foot clearing.
Furniture Removal
Common Area
Students may not use common area furniture for their personal rooms. Furniture placed in lounges and other public areas are for the benefit of all residents. Taking common area furniture denies others the use of it. A charge may be assessed and/or disciplinary action taken if public area furniture is found in student rooms.
Resident’s Room/Assigned Living Space
Room/Assigned Living Space furniture must remain in their designated locations. A charge may be assessed and/or disciplinary action taken if resident’s room/assigned living space furniture is found outside of their room, ie. public areas or in a storage space.
Guests and Visitors can only be present in the room/assigned living space with the consent of roommate(s). Before a resident has a guest stay overnight they must communicate with their roommate(s) to get their permission. Consideration for room/suitemates and other floor residents dictates that guests do not infringe on the rights of housing occupancy residents with an agreement. Guests must abide by all policies of the residence halls.
Residents/Hosts are responsible for the actions of their guests. Residents who violate hosting procedures may face the loss of their hosting privilege. Those guests who are not in compliance with college policy including the Residence Hall Policy & Procedures and the Student Code of Conduct may be asked to leave campus, and their hosts may face disciplinary action.
Guests are individuals who are not residents of the building that they are entering.
- All guests must be hosted by a resident of the building they are entering.
- Guests are to be escorted in the common area spaces of the residence hall at all times.
- Any person without a host will be removed from the residence hall. Guests who violate guest procedures may lose the privilege of entering a residence hall which is not assigned to them.
Visitors are residential students who are assigned to the building in which they live, but are entering a private space that is not communal or assigned to them.
- A Visitor may be considered an Overnight Guests if their presence in the space not assigned to them aligns with an Overnight Guests.
Overnight Guests
- Request must be submitted 5 business days in advance of the overnight request to support the request which includes but is not limited to roommate’s approval, ensure maximum nights of an overnight guest has not been exceeded and any additional information if the overnight guest is under the age of 18.
- Overnight Guests are individuals who are not residents of the assigned living space (i.e. townhouse, suite and/or bedroom) that you are entering.
- Overnight guests may stay any night of the week for a maximum of three (3) nights within a ten (10) day period, with the consent of the roommate(s).
- Overnight guests may not stay longer than 7 days in a 31 day period.
- All guests must be approved by all residents of the assigned living space.
- Overnight is considered 11:00 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- The Overnight Guest Form must be submitted and approved by Residence Life.
- Please click here for the Residence Life Overnight Guest Form.
- The Residence Life Overnight Guest Form must be submitted 5 business days in advance of the overnight request.
Minor (Overnight Guests/Visitors)
Minors are under the age of 18 years of age
- Non-residential minors (under the age of 18 years of age) are not permitted in the residence hall without being accompanied by a parent/guardian or written documentation giving parental permission.
- A minor under the age of 13 years of age is not permitted to be an Overnight Guest
- Residents/Hosts are expected to know the St. Olaf Policy for the Protection of Minors.
- Parents/Guardians must sign/date the Release and Indemnification Agreement which must be uploaded in the Residence Life Overnight Guest Form by the Resident/Host.
- Release and Indemnification Agreement
THIS RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT (“the “Agreement”) is entered into between me and St. Olaf College.
I give permission for my child to be an overnight guest/visitor. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless St. Olaf College, its agents and employees including board of trustees, directors and officers (hereinafter “parties released”). I release and give up all claims, including claim of negligence, I may have in the future against the Parties Released that arise out of my child’s participation in this activity. In case of emergency and if I cannot be reached, I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the child, do hereby authorize a representative of St. Olaf College to consent to any medical treatment or care deemed advisable.
Room Occupancy Limit
The residence hall room/assigned space is limited to 2 per resident.
- Single rooms have a maximum capacity of three (3) persons.
- Double occupancy rooms have a maximum capacity of six (6) persons.
- Triple occupancy rooms have a maximum capacity of nine (9) persons.
- 10 occupancy spaces are limited to thirty (30) persons.
A student may request to hold a gathering that exceeds this occupancy limit to Residence Life for consideration by emailing
Family Units
The terminology family unit will be used when necessary to support operations of communal living. This structure will often stem for health and safety reasons.
- Traditional halls and family units are defined as all residential students assigned to the same restroom on their floor.
- Suites/Pods a family unit is defined as all residential students assigned to the same suite.
- Townhouses (similar dwelling) a family unit is defined as all residential students assigned to the same unit as a whole.
Hall Sports
Sports and physical games are not allowed in the residence halls; this includes common areas and individual student rooms. Balls, pucks, bats, and other sporting equipment may do serious damage to walls, ceilings and floors as well as cause a noise disruption to other students. People who need to walk down the hall should not worry about getting hit or hurt while walking in a public space. Any damage that occurs will be charged to the resident(s) responsible.
Key Usage
Master Keys
Maintenance personnel, residence life staff and public safety officers on duty are the only persons authorized to obtain and use master keys. Unauthorized possession or use of a master key subjects students to disciplinary action.
Room Keys
Each resident will be given a room key upon check-in. The key number will be noted in the appropriate space on the Room Inventory Form that the resident completes. In the event a resident loses their room key or does not return it at check-out, they will be charged a replacement fee. Residents may not make duplicate copies of their room and/or house key. When duplicates are found, they will be confiscated, the key core will be changed and the student will be charged the key core replacement cost. Disciplinary action may result as well.
Laundry Facilities
Each residence hall is equipped with laundry facilities. Residents should review the Residential Facilities page for questions/issues with the residence hall laundry facilities.
Maintenance and Housekeeping Services
Residents are required to report any maintenance and housekeeping issue that can be reasonably be considered a health and safety hazard. Residents must clean after themselves. Additional general cleaning procedures are listed below:
- Students residing in rooms with private baths are responsible for regular cleaning of their bathrooms. Improper care of these facilities may be subject to a cleaning charge.
- Housekeeping services are not provided for student rooms, suites or private/semi private baths.
- Residents must clean and care for the flooring in their assigned living space. Abuse of any flooring type will incur a replacement fee.
- Limited cleaning supplies and vacuum cleaners are available from the residence hall front desks.
Cleaning, Climate & Communication (3 C’s Expectations)
Residents must support the concepts of the 3Cs to ensure that the on-campus living environment stays healthy and welcoming space for all residents. Residents must contact residence life and/or Public Safety if an urgent matter is occurring within a residence hall. Some of these concerns include:
- Water leak/overflowing toilet
- Pest Control/Extermination (i.e. ants, bed bugs)
- Heating/Cooling
- Substance: Mold and Mildew
After verbal communication, residents should always follow-up with a work order for written documentation. Important links to support the health and safety of residence include but are not limited to:
Missing Students Residing in On-Campus Housing
If a member of the College community has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing, they should immediately contact Public Safety at 507-786-3666. Public Safety will respond to the caller and initiate an investigation. For additional information please review here.
Movie & Television Rights/Video License
license allows student groups to show a limited number of rented videos in the public spaces on campus. Rules of the license include that all videos shown in public spaces must be chosen off the approved list through the Office of Student Activities.
Please review the The Student Organization Handbook for additional information on video license. The following are other legalities that you should be aware of regarding movies/videos on campus:
- Videos/Movies no matter where they were obtained (recorded from TV, Streaming, purchased at Target, etc.), may only be shown in individual rooms of the residence halls. Do not show these in residence hall lounges.
- The videos/movies housed in Media Services are for educational purposes only. The Copyright Remedy Clarification Act of 1990 states that educational purposes means the instructor is present at the showing and the showing occurs in a classroom at a regularly scheduled class time.
- You are not allowed to charge for videos shown that are rented under the license agreement. Only St. Olaf students may receive publicity about videos rented under the license.
Open Flames, Candles and Incense
The burning of any material in the residence halls is prohibited. Open flames, and items that allow open flames; i.e. candles and incense may not be used in residence halls.
- Candles with a wick are not permitted.
- Candles and incense that can be lit are not permitted in the residence halls.
- Candles and other similar items that are battery operated are permitted.
Personal Property Coverage/Insurance
St. Olaf College does not insure and is not responsible for loss, theft or damage from any cause to the personal property of (including items placed in storage rooms).The College strongly suggests that students check the coverage provided through family insurance policies and, if necessary, purchase private personal property insurance from a reliable insurance company. Additional information on personal property coverage/insurance can be found on the Residential Services page.
Political Campaigning & Policies
Political candidates and members from political parties and organizations are allowed to campaign in the residence halls. People not adhering to the conditions for Political Campaigning in the residence halls will be escorted from the residence hall and trespassed from the residence halls.
Additional information can be found at Official Political Policies .
Posting/Decorations in Public & Private Area
Residence Life reserves the right to request any material that may be reasonably deemed offensive, demeaning, or derogatory to not be posted in common areas and/or visible outside a resident’s room (this include the resident’s door and windows). Specifically with windows, the college provided blinds and/or curtains when closed to prevent material in question from being seen when present on the outside of the building.
Items that may fall under the category of materials include but is not limited to:
- Signs
- Posters
- Stickers
- Cans/bottles
Quiet & Courtesy Hours
Times not designated specifically as quiet hours are considered courtesy hours, and residents are expected to act in a manner that demonstrates respect for the rights of others not to be disturbed by excessive noise.
Quiet Hours
- Sunday-Thursday: 11:00 p.m.-9:00 a.m.
- Friday-Saturday: 12:00 midnight-9:00 a.m.
Quiet hours are be characterized by the following conditions:
- Whenever sound is being generated within a room, whether by stereo, television, conversation or other means or devices, the door to that room should be closed.
- Any sound being generated from within a room should be held to levels that, with the room door closed, may not be heard by fellow residents in their rooms with their room doors closed; nor should that sound reach such levels as to be a nuisance to occupants of adjoining rooms.
- Creation of noise disturbances in the corridors, bathrooms, lounges and other public areas (i.e., loud conversations, yelling, slamming doors, rowdy behavior) is unacceptable for community living.
Courtesy Hours
All times not designated as quiet hours are considered courtesy hours. Behavioral expectations for courtesy hours are not as meticulously defined as those for quiet hours. However, during courtesy hours, residents engaging in normal day-to-day behavior are expected to act in a manner which demonstrates respect for the rights of others to study and sleep in their rooms.
Mid-Term and Finals Examination Period
During mid-term and final examination week of each term and/or period of time just prior to the beginning of finals week, quiet hours will be implemented on a 24-hour-per-day basis.
Quiet Floors: Times and Expectations
Minimum quiet hours for a quiet floor will begin at 10 p.m. and end at 9 a.m. each day. Residents may vote for additional quiet hours if they wish. If residents would prefer additional quiet hours, 75 percent of the floor residents must vote in favor of such changes before they can be implemented.
Only authorized, and trained, maintenance personnel should go on a roof. Students are not permitted to climb on the walls, roof or deck of any buildings. Students caught on a roof are subject to a fine and disciplinary action.
For safety reasons, ledges are not to be used for storage, nor are students allowed to walk or sit on ledges or roofs. Students will be held liable for damages to property or personal injury resulting from items being thrown from windows or falling from ledges.
Room Decorations & Furnishings
Students are encouraged to decorate their rooms to provide a comfortable and personal atmosphere. Decorations must not cause any damage to the residence hall room which includes walls, floors, ceilings and furniture.
All room furnishings and accessories such as built in closets and storage units, beds, desks, light fixtures and College provided window coverings are to be incorporated into any decorating design.
Fixed Furnishings
All fixed room furnishings and accessories, such as built-in closets and storage units, lights and other permanent structures, may not be removed or altered by residents. If such alterations occur, the physical plant will be asked to return it to its original condition and residents will be charged.
Room Entry and Search
The college has instituted the following regulations to govern entry and search of college-owned resident rooms.
Entry may take place by a college staff member without prior notification for repair, maintenance or its assessment, or when there is imminent danger to the health and welfare of the students.
Persons explicitly authorized by the Dean of Students may enter a room when there is reasonable assumption to think a college policy is being violated. Such persons shall knock and, if requested, identify themselves before entering.
Rooms may be entered under the following conditions:
- To provide room maintenance inspections, repair service or perform a safety inspection
- When there is reasonable cause to believe that college regulations or laws are being violated
- For an emergency situation that requires that the room be entered
- When a resident vacates a room for a break period
- Recovery of stolen college property.
If an occupant is not present during a room check, authorized persons will be accompanied by another individual.Whenever entry is obtained by use of a master/pass key except for repair, maintenance or its assessment, or for health and welfare reasons, a written report will be submitted to the dean of students (or person designated by the Dean of Students) indicating such entry, the reasons for it, and any results.
Illegal items or items in violation of the college policies in plain view will be removed if they are noticed in the course of a room maintenance or break inspection, or in response to a violation of college or departmental policy. The resident will receive written notification of this action if confiscation of property is required when the student is absent.
Health & Safety Inspections
Designated health and safety inspection will occur during the academic year. Inspections include checking for potential fire hazards and electrical problems and observing energy conservation concerns (such as broken or open windows, heat regulation, insulation around windows).
Smoking Policy
Smoking, vaping, etc… is not permitted in college residences. Residents found responsible for violating this policy are held financially responsible for replacing the room mattresses, carpet cleaning, curtain cleaning (if applicable) and painting of room – as well as any other damage done.
Additional information on the College’s Smoking Policy can be found here.
A limited amount of storage space is available on-campus for students willing to accept the responsibilities and risks involved with storage room use. St. Olaf does not accept responsibility for damages to or loss of items in storage (see Personal Property section). The college is not able to guarantee storage space.
THC, Illicit Drugs, and non-prescribed drugs
St. Olaf prohibits possessing, distributing, using or being under the influence of THC and/or illicit drugs on any property owned by the college, any college vehicle, or in any program or activity sponsored by the college at any location. The use of prescription medications that are not explicitly prescribed to the user is also prohibited.
For safety reasons and possible damage resulting from removal and storage, screens on residence hall windows must not be opened, removed or altered from residence hall windows.
Open Windows
Throwing, dropping, hanging, or passing objects in or out of an open window is strictly prohibited.
The draperies presently hanging must remain on windows. If students choose to provide their own, they must be hung over the present draperies and be flame resistant.
Policies for the residence halls have been developed in an attempt to establish an environment in which a large number of residents may live together with maximum freedom while recognizing the rights of fellow residents. Ideally, all residents accept the responsibility involved in the community living situation and make an effort to be aware of how their actions affect their neighbors.
When a resident violates this basic standard of community living by endangering the safety of other residents or violating any of the policies outlined by the college, these policies, or the Housing Occupancy Agreement, this behavior must be addressed.
Violations of college policies, including housing policies, are subject to disciplinary action through the student conduct process. The student conduct process is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Additional information regarding college policies may be found in The Book.
Additional Resources
Resources are available on campus to assist individuals that may be experiencing problems related to gambling.
- Help for Problem Gambling
- Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling
Alcohol and Other Substance Resource
- Minnesota Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction Hotline:
St. Olaf College Students free virtual resources
- Get Help