Purchasing products at the college should be done using preferred vendors and by utilizing the following methods or purchasing consortiums that the college is a part of. Please contact purchasing@stolaf.edu with any questions.
- The St. Olaf College purchase card program is a cost-effective method of purchasing and paying for purchases and travel expenses. Purchasing procedures should be followed when ordering products for St. Olaf College.
Departments may purchase their own furniture with their departmental funds, but all furniture purchases must be processed through Facilities to ensure a uniform standard and quality. Please contact Joe Toegel in the Facilities Department when needing assistance.
Departments may not use their departmental operating funds for technology purchases. Standard technologies go through the twice yearly IT technology requests (April 1st and October 31st). Special requests and items needed between cycles can be submitted to the IT Help Desk by sending an email to helpdesk. A ticket will automatically be created and the correct IT group will be notified. Another easy method is to log a ticket directly at help.stolaf.edu.
Property and equipment purchased with College funds, including grants and gifts, are College property. Each department head is responsible for safeguarding all assigned assets. Click here for more information.
Copies of the federal and State of Minnesota exemption letters can be found at the following page.
Amazon Business
As of September 2024, Amazon Business is now accessible by going directly to the website at this link. Amazon Business purchases will no longer be made within Oracle.
If you do not currently have access to Amazon Business, please email purchasing@stolaf.edu to receive an invitation.
If you are logged into St. Olaf’s network already, you will be able to login directly to Amazon Business. If you are not logged into St. Olaf’s network, you will be asked to authenticate and then you will be logged into Amazon Business directly.
Purchases made on Amazon Business will be made using your St. Olaf credit card and then you will be responsible for submitting expense reports in order to record the transaction.
Please note that Amazon Business cannot be used to make personal purchases. The college pays a membership fee to obtain free shipping, business pricing, and to have tax exempt purchases.
E&I is a purchasing cooperative that the college is a part of. Please register at the following link in order to place orders for B&H Photo, CDW-G, Grainger, and Staples.