The Piper Center, your faculty advisors, coaches and other staff members can help you apply for funding. (The Piper Center oversees the funding highlighted with a *.)
Unpaid or Underpaid Internships and Research Experiences
*Summer Internship Funding (Piper Center Grant Award or the Johnson Family Opportunity Fund)
*January Term Internship Funding (Piper Center Grant Award or the Johnson Family Opportunity Fund)
*Public Affairs Conversation Internship Grant Award (must be enrolled in the Public Affairs Conversation)
St. Olaf Internship and Research Programs
*St. Olaf Cohort Programs (J-Term and summer) — Rockswold Health Scholars, Kloeck-Jenson Social Impact Scholars, Svoboda Legal Scholars, Mayo Innovation Scholars, Entrepreneurial Scholars, etc.
*Pre-health Internship Programs
St. Olaf Summer Research Program (CURI)
Weber Scholars Summer Program (Institute for Freedom and Community) (reading, discussion and research)
Steen Fellowship (independent scholarship, investigation, and creativity, summer only)
Magnus the Good Collaborative Fellowships (student-faculty research collaborations, academic year)
Short-term Career Enhancing Experiences
*Short-term Career Enhancing Experiences: Johnson Family Opportunity Fund – only available to students with high financial need; can be applied to part-time internships that that take place during the academic year, interview expenses, and other short-term career experiences
Graduate/Professional School Expenses
*Graduate School Expenses: Johnson Family Opportunity Fund – only available to students with high financial need
Entrepreneurship (for profit and social venture)
*Entrepreneurial Venture Concept Grant
*Ole Cup Entrepreneurial Competition
*Projects for Peace Grant ($10,000 to implement a summer project that advances peace)
Conference Attendance
Academic Conferences
Co-Curricular Conferences
*Johnson Family Opportunity Fund (for students with a high level of financial need)
Fellowship Opportunities and Resources
Smith Center for Global Engagement
Smith Center Opportunity Fund (for summer or semester programs)