Ole Career Launcher

OCL Picture
The Ole Career Launcher provides hands-on, skill-building opportunities for St. Olaf students and recent graduates to connect, learn, and accelerate their careers. The program offers different tracks on topics ranging from project management to international affairs to digital marketing strategy. The tracks are designed to last anywhere from a few weeks to an entire semester. Each program provides students with a mix of practical skills for specific careers, useful work mindsets, and powerful networking opportunities with experts that often include accomplished alumni.
“This was a chance to adapt my skills to the real world.”
Aya Kamil ’22

2023-24 Programs

a liberal arts degree helps Oles develop The skills that can take them far in life. The Piper Center’s Ole Career Launcher is designed to accelerate that trajectory.


of employers say that employment no longer depends solely on degree or academic major, but rather includes a candidate’s experience, practical sense, and ability to do the job.


of students say employability was their primary or sole motivation for going to college.

Skill Development
Adaptable Offerings
Industry Specific

Experiential Component
Talent Development
Increasing Access
Practical Application

Network Connection
Alumni Experts
Industry Connection
Network Practice

Innovation Mindset
Design Thinking
Diversity in the Workplace
Self Assessment

Campus Partners

The Ole Career Launcher is part of the Piper Center for Vocation and Career.  We partner with offices such as the Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion, the Digital Scholarship Center, Alumni and Parent Relations and the college’s Entrepreneurship team, bringing together best practices from all focus areas.
