You can choose to complete the First-Year Experience by selecting from a variety of different courses. You will be with a different group of students each term.
A Conversations or Learning program that focuses on a single topic and includes multiple courses taken over one or two years with the same group of students. Some courses in these programs also fulfill other OLE Core requirements.
Majors and Concentrations
Africa & the African Diaspora
This concentration integrates studies of African history and culture, the nature of the interaction between Africa and the New World and the role played by Africans, African culture and African institutions in the political, economic, cultural and religious life of the New World. The concentration in Africa and the African Diaspora affords students the opportunity to grapple with such questions as — to what extent the iconography of Africa is used to mobilize Africans in the Diaspora, and how the consciousness of Africa is sustained and fostered in the New World, as well as the contributions of Africans in dispersion and relations with Africa. The concentration also provides an opportunity for students to study the ways in which Africans and peoples of African descent understand and interpret their interactions with global cultures and traditions.
Ancient Studies
Ancient Studies spans more than two millennia between Greece’s Bronze Age and the fall of the Roman Empire. Combining art, history, language, literature, philosophy, religion, and theater, it encourages students to take a broad look at ancient Western culture, examining it from multiple perspectives.
Applied Linguistics
Applied Linguistics encompasses all areas related to the scientific study of the nature, structure, and function of language. Applied Linguistics treats language both as a fundamental human faculty and as a changing social institution.
Art & Art History
The Department of Art and Art History at St. Olaf approaches the study of art as an intellectual and creative endeavor. The department’s curriculum provides students with the research, interpretive, and technical skills to make and study meaningful works of art and to sustain them as artists and critical thinkers throughout their lives.
Asian Studies
The Asian Studies major allows students to gain competence in either Chinese or Japanese language and the understanding of Asian societies through a selection of courses in languages, linguistics, literature, film, economics, history, religion, art history, political science, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, as well as special interdisciplinary courses on Asia.
In the Biology major, students not only focus on a broad foundation in the field biology through core courses, but also achieve depth in specific biological interests through elective courses and independent study. A St. Olaf biology degree prepares students for a wide range of careers or further study, and the college is among the top undergraduate institutions in the number of graduates who go on to earn Phds in the field.
Biomolecular Science
Biomolecular science explores the interface between the traditional disciplines of biology and chemistry. Students who meet the requirements of the concentration have the opportunity to have their degree accredited by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Business & Management Studies
Business and Management studies is a multidisciplinary program offering a contract concentration in management studies that can be earned in conjunction with any B.A. academic major. Individual contracting encourages students to consider personal goals as they design a program of courses in management studies, economics, and other disciplines.
The Chemistry Department offers courses in the traditional major areas of chemistry, as well as in interdisciplinary areas, such as biochemistry, bioanalytical chemistry, biophysical chemistry, environmental chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. It is routinely in the top three undergraduate institutions for the number of chemistry majors graduated in a year.
St. Olaf has taught Chinese since 1973 and is one of only a few colleges in the Midwest that offers four years of language study, an active study abroad program, and a broad selection of related courses in art, economics, history, literature, philosophy, and religion.Students not only develop skills in the language, but also gain knowledge of China in all of the language courses by using various authentic materials.
Classics offers courses in ancient and medieval literature, history, philosophy, religion, political science, fine arts, and archaeology. These courses are fascinating ways to explore the humanities, both on campus and abroad. Learning classical languages improves students’ verbal and analytical skills and gives them tools for studying the past and evaluating the present.
Computer Science
St. Olaf’s Computer Science (CS) major is a balanced liberal-arts program that satisfies national curricular expectations, builds on a breadth-first, hands-on introduction to the discipline, takes a team-based approach to software design including interdisciplinary team projects, integrates ethical and social analysis in a distinctive way, and emphasizes written and oral communication skills and other aspects of a liberal arts education.
Creative Writing
The creative writing major offers a highly individualized pathway for aspiring writers and other people who have a strong interest in creative writing.
Movement-intensive and language-intensive classes present dance as a vital form of embodied awareness, personal expression, and physical communication.The St. Olaf College B.A. in dance guides students toward lives and careers with strong physical, creative, and analytical skills at their foundation.
The economics curriculum at St. Olaf includes theory, applications, institutional studies, and quantitative analysis. The economics major serves as excellent preparation for careers in a wide variety of fields, including economic analysis, banking, accounting, consulting, health administration, finance, business management, teaching, and international affairs.
Education / Educational Studies
The Education major prepares students for teaching licensure; to ensure depth, breadth, and mastery in their licensure areas, students majoring in Education must also major in their content licensure area (i.e., English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics). The Educational Studies Concentration leads to a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate and offers students from all areas of the liberal arts an opportunity to strengthen their program of study with selected courses that focus on issues of education, particularly language education. The concentration does not lead to teaching licensure. Educational Studies provides important foundational work toward achieving a number of post-baccalaureate goals including various vocations (e.g., management, arts education, coaching, environmental education, youth ministry, classroom teaching, teaching English abroad) and service opportunities (e.g., Peace Corps, Lutheran Volunteer Corps, AmeriCorps, Fulbright, etc.).
Engineering Studies
Our engineering studies curriculum provides students with the mathematical and analytical skills that constitute the foundations of engineering, supporting a wide array of fields including mechanical, electrical, civil, and environmental engineering. In addition, the concentration offers practical, applied skills such as working with laboratory instrumentation, design software, and/or fabrication techniques. Completing this concentration in combination with a major in a natural science or math prepares students to pursue graduate work in engineering. To get started in this concentration, begin by taking science courses that fit your interests and math courses based on your math placement.
Drawing on 1500 years of literature and culture, the English major encourages students to dig deeply and range widely. As they explore literature and other creative work from around the world–the Americas, Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia–our majors develop a deeper understanding of the world and the role that literature and associated practices have played in its making and might play in its future. The opportunity to develop as writers also serves our majors well as they prepare for life beyond college. With its emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and communication, the English major prepares students for a variety of futures–as scholars and educators; journalists and lawyers; leaders in business, politics, publishing, and the non-profit sector; video game designers and filmmakers; and, of course, novelists and poets.
Environmental Studies
Environmental studies explores the relationships between the earth’s natural and physical systems, human political, economic, and social systems, and human understanding of the environment as informed by ethics, philosophy, art, history, religion, and literature.
Family Studies
The well-being of individuals, couples, and families is a national and global concern. Family studies is an integrative field that synthesizes knowledge from many liberal arts disciplines, particularly economics, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
Film & Media Studies
The Film and Media Studies (FMS) Program is committed to fostering visual literacy, promoting critical thinking and analysis, and encouraging students to engage meaningfully with a world in which images and screen-based media play an ever present and powerful role. Our program also embraces the inherently interdisciplinary aspects of film, serving students from programs and departments across the college (art, theater, English, psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, music, and so on).
A major in French complements any other St. Olaf major and extends students’ liberal arts education and multicultural competence.By studying the French language and Francophone cultures, civilizations, and literature, students develop and enhance their oral and written language skills, analytical thinking, and familiarity with diverse perspectives sought by employers and graduate schools today.
Gender & Sexuality Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies students explore scholarship about women and gender across cultures and throughout history to examine intersections of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, nationality, ability, religion, and age. The program encourages students to think critically as means to becoming active and ethical participants in career, family, social life, and community.
German courses allow you to explore an array of topics from everyday life to international politics, from early cinema to contemporary pop music, and from confronting a violent past to building a more sustainable future. In courses for the German major and German Studies concentration, students gain an understanding of German-speaking cultures and literatures as they develop analytical and communication skills in the spoken and written language.
Students choosing a Greek major will acquire an advanced knowledge of the ancient Greek language, the ability to translate and analyze ancient Greek literature in at least three genres, and a basic knowledge of the ancient Greek civilization.
St. Olaf History explores the many facets of the human condition from the past to the present. History invites those who study it to develop an appreciation for the variety of human experiences.
Individual Major
You may propose an individual major on a subject that permits coherent, in-depth study using resources available through the college and that does not duplicate any existing program at the college. It must include an integrative senior project, a web portfolio, and 10 courses, including IS 392 (the course unit devoted to the senior project in the spring of your senior year).
International Relations
The international relations concentration offers students the opportunity to combine insights from political and other social sciences with language and humanistic studies in order to examine pressing questions related to war, peace, trade, security, justice and power. This concentration complements majors in the social sciences, area studies, and foreign languages in particular, but it is appropriate to all students committed to engaging with issues arising from the globalized nature of the modern world.
The Japanese major requires students to demonstrate both linguistic and cultural competence. Linguistic and language skills include proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Intermediate-High level, as well as metalinguistic and intercultural awareness of the use of Japanese language in different social milieus.
The Kinesiology major at St. Olaf is designed for students interested in the advanced and specialized study of the biophysical aspects of exercise. The major supports academic linkages across disciplines and provides excellent preparation in a wide variety of fields.
Students majoring in Latin will acquire an advanced knowledge of the Latin language, the ability to translate and analyze Latin literature in at least three genres, and a basic knowledge of the ancient Roman civilization.
Latin American Studies
Latin American studies offers an interdisciplinary structure for the systematic study of Latin America, an area that encompasses countries in North, Central, and South America as well as the Caribbean, whose distinct geography and cultures are unified by elements of a common heritage. It is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach that contributes to the investigation of political, economic, ethnic, gender, religious, and cultural issues in Latin America.
Mathematical Biology
Advances in the mathematical sciences — mathematics, statistics, and computer science — have brought new perspectives to biological research. By answering questions that cannot be addressed using other means, the mathematical sciences can provide indispensable tools for biological research. The result is the interdisciplinary field of mathematical biology, which involves developing analytical and computational predictive models of biological systems. The concentration at St. Olaf is intended to train students in mathematical biology, allowing them to understand the development and applications of these models. With the large number of subfields in mathematical biology today, the concentration allows students to pursue a path that best suits their interest (e.g., mathematical modeling or bioinformatics).
Mathematics, the study of patterns and order, is a creative art, a language, and a science. The practice of mathematics combines the aesthetical appeal of creating patterns of ideas with the utilitarian appeal of applications of these same ideas. The St. Olaf mathematics program is nationally recognized for innovative and effective teaching. A major in mathematics opens doors to many careers and to advanced study.
Medieval Studies
Medieval studies is one of St. Olaf’s oldest interdisciplinary programs. In scope, it spans the more than ten centuries between the fall of the Roman Empire and the flowering of the Renaissance. The major combines art, history, language, literature, philosophy, religion, and theater courses, and encourages students to explore medieval European culture with a broad scope, examining it from multiple perspectives.
Middle Eastern Studies
The concentration in Middle Eastern studies provides students with the opportunity to study the ways in which members of Middle Eastern cultures have understood and interpreted the world, as well as the way in which others have interpreted the Middle East.
The Music Department offers extensive opportunities to explore, practice, and celebrate the musician’s art with an ongoing commitment to a distinctive ensemble program, excellent individualized instruction, and a comprehensive undergraduate music curriculum.
Music for Social Impact
The Music for Social Impact major embraces students with backgrounds in diverse musical traditions. The major’s offerings introduce students to European music theory as a springboard for developing a more thorough theoretical appreciation of a number of musical traditions.
Musical Theater
The Musical Theater concentration is open to all majors in the Bachelor of Arts program. Musical theater is an interdisciplinary art form that is culturally relevant by offering opportunities for discourse and dialogue on social issues, societal change and culture through its performance.
Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary program that draws from psychology, biology, chemistry, kinesiology, physics, mathematics and other disciplines. The neuroscience program provides students access to the field by linking curricula, faculty, and students in a contract concentration that requires foundations in at least two natural sciences and allows students to explore connections with courses in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Nordic Studies
The Nordic studies major and concentration are designed for students who wish to gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the Nordic region, including its languages, cultures, and societies. The Nordic studies major provides students with a foundation of Norwegian language knowledge and skills. From there, students undertake coursework that situates Norway within the broader social and cultural region of the Nordic countries. Students compare and contrast the Nordic languages, cultures, and societies and engage critically with the question of what makes the Nordic countries distinctive.
St. Olaf is one of a few colleges and universities where students can use Norwegian to complete their foreign language requirement — and beyond the requirements can study in depth the language, literature, culture, and history of Norway. The Norwegian major allows students to gain competence in the Norwegian language and an understanding of Norwegian society through a combination of courses in the language, literature, history, and culture of Norway.
The nursing program, through an innovative design that integrates theory with practice and partners educators with professionals in practice, prepares graduates to provide and coordinate nursing care for individuals, families, and communities within standards of professional practice.
A major in philosophy is highly recommended not only for those who wish to pursue graduate study in philosophy but also as a preparation for other careers that require the ability to think in a creative and disciplined manner about questions that are new or whose method of solution is debated, including careers in law, theology, business, management, medicine, journalism, politics, and education.
Physics is the study of how and why things work from the minute world of the atomic nucleus to the universe itself within the context of a few fundamental laws. The St. Olaf Physics Department offers a strong, flexible major and a specialized concentration in engineering. Both programs provide excellent undergraduate research opportunities and applied projects. We are a lively department with a sense of community among students, faculty and staff.
Political Science
The political science major provides broad exposure to the discipline and develops skills in critical thinking, systematic inquiry, and effective writing and speaking. Students majoring in political science complete courses in four areas: American politics and public policy, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory.
The Department of Psychology follows the American Psychological Association’s guidelines of “synthesizing the natural and social science aspects of the discipline, in part, by requiring students to take courses in both knowledge bases.” Thus both interpersonal and investigative skills are enhanced.
Public Health Studies
Public Health Studies is designed to be intentionally flexible, students take a selection of five courses across the college during their four years including introductory and capstone courses.
Race & Ethnic Studies
Established at St. Olaf College in 1969, Race and Ethnic Studies (abbreviated RACE) represents a multigenerational faculty and student commitment to the interdisciplinary study of race and ethnicity. The program centers the concerns and experiences of people of color and proceeds from the recognition that race and ethnicity have been and continue to be crucial components within interlocking systems of oppression, as well as powerful sites of intersectional resistance.
The Religion Department equips students of all backgrounds and traditions to interpret, evaluate, and respond to religious ideas and practices. The work of the department is shaped by the college’s Lutheran heritage and commitments as they unfold in a world of many faiths. The Religion major’s learning outcomes expect students to demonstrate the ability to communicate, knowledge of approaches, knowledge of subject.
The Russian Department, in keeping with the college mission to provide a “global perspective,” offers a variety of courses that build upon Russian language proficiency to give students the knowledge and tools for a successful career. Recent graduates have entered professions in higher education, business, government, the church, law, and the arts.
Social Studies Education
The field of social studies education demands reflective practitioners with a broad foundation in the liberal arts and specific knowledge in each of the seven disciplines. The social studies education major equips students with this core content knowledge while also providing multiple opportunities for critical thinking about the various ways we construct knowledge and communicate the human experience.
Social Work
Social Work
Social work education builds on the liberal arts with professional foundation courses. It prepares students for generalist practice, students who understand scientific approaches to knowledge building and practice, are reflective of and responsible for their own ethical conduct, and are committed to lives of service and leadership in the global community.
Sociology & Anthropology
In courses for the Spanish major, students gain an understanding of the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world (Spain, Latin America, and the Latinx/a/o U.S.) through the study of literature, non-literary texts, culture, language, and linguistics. At the same time, they develop communication, critical thinking, and analytical skills.
Statistics & Data Science
With the growing abundance of data gathered in nearly every field, statistics and data science methods have become invaluable for transforming data into useful information. A statistics and data science (SDS) major at St. Olaf gives students the quantitative, analytical, and communication skills to navigate an increasingly data-rich world. As a subject, statistics and data science lies at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and statistics and connects naturally to the sciences (natural and social), the humanities, and even the arts. Students pursuing a statistics and data science major at St. Olaf will take courses that blend theoretical and practical concepts, exploring foundational ideas in computational thinking, statistical modeling, and mathematical underpinnings. SDS emphasizes a hands-on approach, and students will gain proficiency in programming languages and statistical software commonly used in the field. In addition, SDS courses encourage students to examine ethical considerations and societal implications of data collection and analysis, a particularly important consideration in the growing world of “big data”. As a part of the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (MSCS) students that major in statistics and data science will have access to faculty and resources in these related but distinct disciplines.
The St. Olaf Department of Theater takes for its subject matter all aspects of making theater. It produces a season of plays whose focus is the liberal arts curriculum rather than a typical theater company’s season of plays. All courses focus on the making of dramatic art.
Pre-professional Programs
A video to provide an overview of considerations for first-year registration for pre-health students.
Architecture and Design
Business and Management
Computer Engineering
Finance Fast-Track
Genetic Counseling
Health Administration
Information Technology
Occupational Therapy
Performing Arts
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Public Policy
Speech Language Pathology
Theology and Seminary
We are excited to welcome you to St. Olaf and to support you in your education!
most full-semester courses are 1.0 credits
graduation majors to choose from for bachelor of arts
credits each semester