Kathryn Seidl Steed, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics

Prof. Steed has taught at St. Olaf in Fall, 2019; Fall, 2020; Fall, 2021 and January Term, 2022; Spring, 2023; January Term and Spring, 2024.
She is currently teaching Latin 373 (Lucretius & Latin Poetry) in Fall, 2024, Classics 120 (Greek & Roman Myth) in January Term, and Classics 260 (Sports & Recreation in the Ancient World) in Spring, 2025.
E-mail: steed1@stolaf.edu or seidlk@umich.edu
B.A., Kalamazoo College, 2002
Ph.D. (Classical Studies), University of Michigan, 2008 (dissertation: Memory and Leadership in the Late Roman Republic)
Prof. Steed taught previously at the University of Michigan, Reed College, and Carleton College. She and her husband Jesse have two sons, Robert and Henry.
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