USN is one of Norway’s largest universities
Andreas Zedrosser, ” USN is a small University but at the same time, it’s a big university in a sense that there is a lot of students, you can do lots of things, you can study in different directions, but at the same time it’s small in the sense that it’s very personal, you get to know people, you meet people, it’s easy to get in contact with teachers and students. So, it’s a small and big university at the same time.
Studying at USN offers you a unique experience and gives you skills and knowledge that will make a difference for your future.
Southeastern University
The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) is one of Norway’s largest universities.
“I didn’t realize how international the classroom and professor would be, but actually international community is very well represented, so we have teachers from Japan, Brazil, England, Finland and students from Australia, Japan, Bangladesh, USA, so we have quite an international community in the classroom and it adds a lot of value to the topic.” -Alyssa Valyka,
USN is a young school, but it has long traditions, especially when it comes to educational programs and research that is engaged in regional development. At the same time, our programs are internationally oriented and internationally competitive when it comes to academic standards. -Peter Aasen
“I think USN is really good for exchange students, we have a great opportunity to experience Norwegian life and culture and amazing landscape, meet some amazing friends from all around the world and to study in really good facilities in the university. It’s absolutely fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone.” -Ben Hool

USN has a strong focus on research and development. We offer English taught exchange and degree programs within different fields from courses at bachelor level up to PhDs. Our courses are research-based, and we focus on practical study methods with a problem-based approach, which will help students prepare for real-life situations.
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Studying at USN is not only books and classes. We have a lot of interesting activities for students. Our International Student Union organizes events and trips for international students, and contributes to the integration of international and local students. Each campus has it’s own student hours or student pub that arranges different events to please all kinds of interests. Besides in Southeast Norway you will find amazing Norwegian scenery and landscape from mountains to the coast, so the opportunities for sports and outdoor life are unlimited.
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USN campuses are safe, modern and located in beautiful places not far from the capital of Norway, Oslo and close to major towns like Drammen and Skien. Such a location makes studying at USN attractive for students from a financial perspective. All our campuses provide housing for international students in comfortable student dormitories.
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The region of Southeast Norway exhibits international, knowledge-based and competitive industry. Key players in the supply of offshore and maritime industries have a strong connection with USN. Our programs are developed in cooperation with private businesses and public organizations, and in accordance with society’s needs. USN offers exchange programs from a wide range of areas- from business and social science to technology and engineering, health sciences, education, sports, culture, language and history.
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