Each year the Norwegian Dept. hires upper level students (usually 5th semester or above) to assist with grading, lead conversation table, and other tasks. Working in the Norwegian department is excellent preparation for careers involving communication and education. Students interested in student work for the department should contact Jenna Coughlin.
Some students are also hired as tutors or leaders of Supplemental Instruction (SI) through the Center for Advising and Academic Support.
And finally, the Norwegian American Historical Association also hires students studying Norwegian and interested in history, libraries and archives, and public relations.
The Norwegian Department has approximately 5-8 student workers during the academic year. In addition to providing some much needed money, these jobs give students the opportunity to become more involved in the department, get to know the faculty and the students (both American and Norwegian), and use Norwegian language on a regular basis. The faculty invite qualified students to apply by contacting the student work supervisor, Jenna Coughlin.
- American students: Students who have taken at least two semesters of Norwegian and who have a student work award are eligible to apply. Students without a work award are eligible to work as tutors in the Academic Support Center, and in special cases we can hire a student without a work award for the Norwegian Department if the work involves a special skill.
- Norwegian students: Norwegian students who have received the Cole Scholarship or who have a student work award are eligible to work up to 5 hours per week in the Norwegian Department. Students without a work award are eligible to work as tutors in the Academic Support Center, and we can often hire native Norwegian students without a work award since they have a special skill necessary for work in our department, namely fluency in Norwegian and knowledge of Norwegian culture.
Students workers make an important contribution to daily life in the Norwegian Department, and faculty count on the student workers to do their work efficiently and well. Please read the guidelines for student workers in the Norwegian Department.
Pay Scale, Schedule, Jobs, and Forms
The most common jobs for student workers are correcting/grading papers, updating the bulletin boards, and staffing the weekly Conversation Table and Norwegian Language Meet-up sessions. Paper correcting is done during day hours (8:00-5:00 pm), the Conversation Table is from 6-7 pm on Mondays in the Black Ballroom, and Norwegian Language Meet-up sessions are on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursday evenings in the WLC. Each month, students must fill out a timesheet as a record of their work hours and submit it to the department supervisor.
Students who have received a job in the Norwegian Department should see the department’s AAA to fill out the necessary forms. These forms are also available online.
For further information about student work at St. Olaf, please see the website for Student Work from the Financial Aid Department.