Information about Norway
- “This is Norway 2018”: Compilation of facts and figures about Norway published by Statistics Norway (SSB)
- “Women and Men in Norway 2018”: How different is Norway from other nations with respect to gender equality? This booklet by Statistics Norway (SSB) provides the latest facts and figures on gender and society in Norway.
- “Store norske leksikon”: Encyclopedia containing articles on nature & technology, history & society, as well as art & culture (in Norwegian)
Information about the Nordic Region
- Nordic Studies Midwest: Links to useful resources for studying or visiting Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland
- Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka (also available in free iPhone app. Visit iTunes store and download “Ordbøkene”.
- Lexin: Bokmål-Engelsk (actually Arabic, but the English definitions also appear)
- Lexin: Nynorsk-Engelsk ordbok
- Audio Dictionary
- Writing guidelines and advice on grammar and punctuation (in Norwegian)
Scholarly Journals- Open Access
- Idunn: Idunn houses many open access journals including:
- Edda (Scandinavian Journal of Literary Research)
- Kunst og kultur (Norges eldste kunsthistoriske tidsskrift)
- Nordisk poesi (Scandinavian Poetry: Journal of Poetry Research)
- Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of Sociology)
- Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift (political science)
- Honorary Consulate General of Norway (Minneapolis)
- Royal Norwegian Embassy
- Norway Connects (work and educational opportunities, scholarships, etc.)
- Nordmanns-Forbundet
- Norway-America Association
- Norwegian-American Historical Association
- Norwegian Teachers and Researchers Association of North America (NORTANA)
- Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study
- Nordic Studies: Your Passport to Northern Europe