St. Olaf Magazine most recently earned five “Excellence Awards” from the Minnesota Magazine & Publishing Association: Gold for Overall Excellence, Gold for Cover Design (Winter 2013), Gold for Feature Article (“Going to Extremes”), Silver for Profile Article (“Elephant Man”), and Gold for Regular Column (Almanac).
What’s Inside
Global Positioning
By Marla Hill Holt ’88
In a high-tech, digitized world where communication is ubiquitous and a smart phone app can instantly translate words into any language, the study of foreign languages may seem antiquated, but in fact, successful global citizenship calls for a familiarity with — and a deeper understanding of — another country, its culture, and its language.
A Broad View of Ancient History
By Greg Breining
St. Olaf students working on an archeological dig bring not only a wide-ranging perspective to an ancient Roman outpost on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, but become some of the first researchers in the world to use a new technology that will change how scholars study ancient artifacts.
The Pioneer
By Erin Peterson
Ending HIV/AIDS would be among the greatest accomplishments of modern medicine. Thanks in no small part to AIDS researcher, doctor, and trailblazer (and 2013 DAA) Diane Havlir ’80, we may be tantalizingly close to attaining that goal.
By Andy Steiner
In many ways, Heidi Henriksen ’07 is a typical Ole who majored in studio art, music, and Nordic studies, sang with the Manitou Singers, Chapel Choir, and Cantorei, and played intramural volleyball. She’s also one of the top amateur women boxers in the upper Midwest, and she’s about to compete in the USA Nationals.
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