St. Olaf Magazine earned seven awards at the 15th annual Minnesota Magazine & Publishing Excellence Awards, including Gold for Best Overall Design, Gold for Best Spread Design (A Sense of Place), Silver for Best Feature Design (Catch & Release), Silver for Best Spread Design (World Views 2010), Silver for Best Regular Column (Almanac), Bronze for Overall Excellence, and Bronze for Best Profile Article (Bright Green Research). St. Olaf Magazine also received a Gold Award for Best Alumni/Institution Magazine in the 2010 Pride of CASE V Awards.
What’s Inside
In the Interim
By Patricia Grotts Kelly ’77
Interim, for many St. Olaf students, is a springboard to self-discovery. From traditional programs to independent studies and internships, much of what Oles experience during Interim occurs across the nation and around the world.
Made in Manhattan
Photo Essay
Seventeen St.Olaf students delve into the dynamic environment of New York City’s art world. Their shared experience in this vast and varied place is told in their own words through essays, journal entries, art, and photography.
A Sense of Place
By Chris Welsch
St. Olaf marks the culmination of its 15-year Framework Plan this spring with the dedication of Tomson Hall. Manitou Heights has been transformed to strengthen the college and accommodate its future, making the heart and spirit of the campus community more solid than ever. *MMPA Gold Award for Best Feature Spread Design
Lions with Attitude
By Carole Leigh Engblom
Jon D. Rondestvedt ’61 discovers B.J. Muus’s idealized “firmly footed” lions in the architectural designs of various campus buildings. But, where exactly are they?
Bright Green Research
By Greg Breining
Ben Auch’s early success in biofuel research underscores the power of enthusiasm and the advantages of a St. Olaf education. *MMPA Bronze Award for Best Profile Article
Centennial Celebration: The St. Olaf Religion Department is 100 Years Old
By Joseph M. Shaw ’49
In 1953, Religion Department chair Theodore Huggenvik believed as a matter of principle that the department should be perceived by St. Olaf students as a legitimate academic in its own right, not as an auxiliary function of the church.
Almanac: Save the First Dance For Me
By Jeff Sauve
Dancing, considered sinful and always forbidden on campus, became an acceptable pastime for Oles in the spring of 1961. *MMPA Silver Award for Best Regular Column
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